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Status Replies posted by Tethras

  1. What album are you currently listening to? I'm listening to "Serpents Unleashed" by Skeletonwitch.

  2. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What has been the largest Halfling settlement in each of the three major realms?

  3. why are people making ET apps what happened

  4. If we could have default PvP, the Antag wouldn't be so OP. This is because then we can actually get to them in any type of armor without being slaughtered before we're close. When I finally reach them, I don't have to go click.........click....click, I can just savagely kill them. Instead, my stamina lets them just destroy me with wither and mobs before I can even swing my sword 5 times. It's sad.

  5. That event...Was just so...So much cringe in one event.

  6. Dammit, shouldn't have revisited the forums. *hits self* Bad Arbrek! Bad!

  7. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the first non-racial nation in Aegis?

  8. Such disappoint. Much burn out. 0/10. :[

  9. All of you Humans are High-Elves

  10. This is one fabulous new Forum Avatar! Bye bye awesome gif, you served me well!

  11. LotC can do with another one of these to explain our complicated world to new players.

  12. Is it just me, or does the server keep crashing people?

  13. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the smallest nation by land area upon arrival in Asulon?

  14. Anyone got a link to the Elven Language on the forums?

  15. taking indefinite hiatus, might not be around for a bit. stay outta trouble!

  16. Damn... Any 4.0 news? I mean it's early november. If we started pre-building we really should've started by now... Since terroforming and natural builds are also going to be done by the builders. World Painting can only do so much :/

  17. Damn... Any 4.0 news? I mean it's early november. If we started pre-building we really should've started by now... Since terroforming and natural builds are also going to be done by the builders. World Painting can only do so much :/

  18. Heard people have quite the gossip 'bout me on TS :/

  19. Anyone know what happened to Babalouche?

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