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Status Replies posted by Tethras

  1. Plans are drawn up for Queen Ivrae's Revenge. Gallmore's first domestic warship.

  2. I apologise for the rollbacks. All I can suggest is not building anything important until the problem is fixed. It saves you and us time in the long run.

  3. #teamSharkuEver

  4. [22:58:27] Ever 3.5: does scotland actually exist or is this just a big inside joke im not aware of. ((OMG EVER))

  5. #teamSharkuEver

  6. Ascended return... No BR's for hours... Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Rhia's on to something!

  7. Are there any RP posts on the Ascended's return yet or was this whole thing leaked?

  8. *Starts to work on the cave dwarf gang sign*

  9. But seriously, Dragons, get on destroying Kal'Azgoth once they find the first diamond.

  10. But seriously, Dragons, get on destroying Kal'Azgoth once they find the first diamond.

  11. Bored and slightly depressed today... most of my ingame chat today has just been "Teach me magic" and "I have another lore question for you", just gets me down a bit sometimes.

  12. I wonder what would happen if say, 12 Dwarves wandered through the Vale..

  13. I wonder what would happen if say, 12 Dwarves wandered through the Vale..

  14. And thus, the Halflings shall blot out the sun, and Anthos shall fall below their hordes. Soon, all doorways will only be one block tall. You have been warned.

  15. Thanks, Oren. I was hoping I could enjoy some nice and peaceful roleplay on Gallmore...

  16. Remove one tyrant, put another one on the thrown. All hail Thorin Grandaxe, First of His Name, Grand King of Urguan, Overlord of Oren, Overlord of Savoie, Overlord of Galahar, Overlord of Salvus, Overlord of Karakatua, Tamer of Kharajyr, Protector of Humans, Liberator of Elves, Rider of Orcs, Shagger of Halflings, Ruler of Dwarves.

  17. Ever wants to roleplay! What do?

  18. Ever wants to roleplay! What do?

  19. So what did you think of that event?

  20. So what did you think of that event?

  21. I hate these kind of status updates but it needs to be said... That moment when an Antag tells you he can't pvp you because he left his buffs and enchanted weapons behind. A low rank one at that... Q.Q

  22. Villains: We're bad. Oh what, there's consequences for raiding? D:

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