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Status Replies posted by Tethras

  1. Gronkk'Grandaxe'Greymane'Lur

  2. Online videogames aren't supposed to make you want to punch your computer, are they?

  3. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: The Terra Hold was used by what organization?

  4. If a certain someone, not me or anything nooooooooooooo, was to bring back Oren Guards from Aegis, what would you say? >_> <_>

  5. If a certain someone, not me or anything nooooooooooooo, was to bring back Oren Guards from Aegis, what would you say? >_> <_>

  6. If a certain someone, not me or anything nooooooooooooo, was to bring back Oren Guards from Aegis, what would you say? >_> <_>

  7. Would you like the server to move more towards a Aegis-esque style of restrictions, map control, roleplay, etc or move back towards an Asulon-esque style? Would like to gauge opinion, although I think I have a good idea already!

  8. The main character of the last video game you played (excluding minecraft) is hunting you down for no reason other than to kill you. Who's hunting you?

  9. The suspense is killer. A LM is going through the Magic Lore! Or at least has been... First try at lore, I hope I get it!!!

  10. Your mother was a nice fellow.

  11. Haven't RP'd in forever... what should I do... humm...

  12. Haven't RP'd in forever... what should I do... humm...

  13. Blacksmiths of Anthos (by which I mean Kralta). Gold be the metal of monster slaying in these lands! It be not silver, and certainly not magegold!

  14. CubeWorld...Awww Yiss

  15. Well time to reclaim some lost property.

  16. the first chance I get, ima take a day off from the server and go play 9 holes of golf, lol.

  17. Dwarves beat the game

  18. I would appreciate if no one insults me over my decision it was a tough one.

  19. You can make statuses all you want, just keep 'em clear of flaming or bashing of anyone, k?

  20. Aint no Liri, come on guys, give her a break

  21. And my status was deleted.... That's a bit harsh. Locking it would have been fair but deleting it?

  22. @Lago Say the word and your Ironic Sword shall be made.

  23. I go away for a day and I have the feeling I missed something...

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