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Status Replies posted by Tethras

  1. Can I have my ex-GM tag, please?

  2. Can I have my ex-GM tag, please?

  3. Must... ensure... profile page... has.. intelligent... comment..

  4. Is there a reason I can't connect? Tried the new IP

  5. The war still rages... what does that mean? The battle is still not over or...?

  6. Why the **** did everyone die instantly?

  7. Why are NO Gms manning the Dwarven siege equipment? And only Orenian?

  8. Why can't I log i to the server..?

  9. The new mines are too rich with ore. I managed to get 20+ diamonds in about 30 minutes.

  10. Do ghosts still have RP default or did they get PvP too along with mages and all?

  11. Craftbook broken? q_q

  12. Anyone else just hate sieges on Mount and Blade? (Unless you're defending, gotta love that stuff)

  13. For all those getting "bad login" - just keep trying to log in and it will work. I don't know what, I don't know why, but that's how it is.

  14. All which is great must always go

  15. My dad always said people copy you for flattery, I still hate copy cats as they have no creativity >.

  16. Fire alarm went off in my dorm. Somebody started making ramen and let it burn to the point of lots of smoke. Thanks person in my dorm, I will find you, and I will kill you.

  17. University has made me realise the genius behind sandwiches... No longer shall I have to spend a lot of time slaving away to make food! I can simply toss some meet and vegetables between bread. Mwahahaha, first lunch next the world.

  18. http://gyazo.com/c9abcc4f08d0232182800561252aadfa ): not sure if I should play this (probably crap) game or sell the key.
  19. Do frost witches do anything anymore?

  20. Suggestions for what to do with the GM applications left over from the creation of the SM Apps forum and the removal of the GM Apps forum? Leave them or archive?

  21. Using a sheet of cardboard as a plate #College

  22. Wait, what? I didn't see anything about animal RP being disallowed in the recent news thing....where does this come froM?

  23. I'm that guy over there :o

  24. ....getting old fast....

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