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Status Replies posted by Tethras

  1. Is /hide broken? Or is the message that states 'you are now hiding' gone?

  2. Succubus magic? Anyone?

  3. Hobbit tomorrow yus.

  4. Guys. be like the vets from Aegis, and roll with the punches no matter what happens.

  5. Wait... We can get things enchanted now with proper RP?

  6. Holy sh*t, I actually think Malinor is improving. Earnest Good Jobs all around.

  7. Wings are no longer allowed in RP. They've been abused, and the reasoning have been added to the lore regulations. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/101744-the-newer-lore-regulations/

  8. let's start a riot, yh?

  9. I wonder where this reborn Alras is going to set up shop...

  10. #GaiusForAvailer'sPosition2013 - Smart, Friendly, Cooperative, Follows same religion!

  11. Can you even become part of the Lore Team anymore?

  12. Sorry to say, but the new spawn is horrible. Should've stuck with the temple.

  13. That moment when you realise your essay is ****, and you have an hour to fix it up... God I wish I had a bloody time machine.

  14. I do believe the druidic turtle island is dead... http://i.imgur.com/WhT0D3I.png I mean he hasn't moved for years and have been frozen in place... he's also starting to smell a little bit lol...

  15. http://i.imgur.com/ZSR1SFG.jpg 4.0 from a different angle, the area circled /may/ be up for grabs. With so many different factions there may just have to be a battle royal..
  16. http://i.imgur.com/ZSR1SFG.jpg 4.0 from a different angle, the area circled /may/ be up for grabs. With so many different factions there may just have to be a battle royal..
  17. Let us improve rather than hold grudges from the past.

  18. So many good mages leaving...Farewell guys...

  19. Can I have my ex-GM tag, please?

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