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Status Updates posted by KidKrinkles

  1. Eze'kiel is dead, and just like any good death, it was seen by many people but the body could never be recovered. Expect letters to be sent out ICly to noted friends and allies.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. KidKrinkles


      Ill be releasing Lore for the 'Old Faith' of the North. Tarus blood lives on, Eyveror is still under works, ****'ll be done, heads will be split.

    3. Scipp3r


      Rest Phoenix King

    4. Fabby


      Well, thats the end of Renatus (whatever was left of it)... *cries*

  2. What IP is everyone connecting on? I can't get on crap.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. thepizzaplac


      Mine just says communication error...And if I try it just says end of stream. I've tried restarting the client multiple times.

    3. Demotheus


      it's down now. restarted again.

    4. Acornlad


      I can't get on anything either.

  3. Dear diary,

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      He punched my horse in the mouth.


    3. KidKrinkles


      *Looks down at his diary.*


    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      I am also now into James, the only man I will love.

  4. RPing being wounded. One heart left. Ghast kills. Lost 11k. And that's why I'm mad.

    1. Asbrind


      I agree. I lost about 2k in about 30 seconds of game playing.. :(

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Yea, I hate it too.

    3. KidKrinkles


      Its just funny. I had an awesome rp scene and everything, but then a ghast, out of no where. We outta turn off money loss on death again.

  5. Server is down for longer than an hour? Better start doing drugs.

    1. Uboob ~Taron Geminine~

      Uboob ~Taron Geminine~

      It's been down 24 hours now :P you best start pumping yourself with them

    2. Cyndikate
    3. KidKrinkles
  6. Incase anyone is wondering, I'm not on because my home was put six feet under (water) by Sandy. May be a tad tardy- but at least Tarus isn't dead, amirite? (ohgodimsolomy.jpg)

  7. What's this '64bit ID Error' doo dad going on?

    1. Dun_Irongut


      Killed some dragons. Server died.

    2. Nummy


      Oren bwoke de server.

    3. KidKrinkles
  8. Putting down my dog today, I'll miss her.

    1. Thu'um
    2. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      I grief with you, my friend..

      I know that feel.. so well..

    3. Botar


      Do you need to talk about it friend? I know how it sucks

  9. My character is officialy insane! :D

    1. Wretched


      Join the club.

    2. DRAGON117op
    3. BrandNewKitten


      Mine is fighting against forcefully becoming a thrall

  10. What would an Eye of Ender be able to be used for in RP? I've got one, think its an awesome rp tool, but don't want to powergame. I'm thinking a magic amplifyer or a evilish artifact. Thoughts?

    1. danic


      Last time I remember using a Endereye was a replacement for actual eyes.

    2. KidKrinkles


      Excellent! I'll bare that in mind.

  11. Just when I forget Boiendl is wearing a dress~ I see Boiendl wearing a dress.

    1. Old Man Boiendl
    2. Jexdane


      You are..I like your legs.

  12. Are the DDOSers back?

    1. TheRealKiru
    2. Guest


      indeed they are

  13. Anybody else keep getting odd errors when they post randomly, about like, invalid keys and randomly logging out?

  14. For reference: Yes. I am Bubblegum Princess on Steam.

    1. Haribo


      THE bubblegum princess?

    2. Bircalin
  15. Dear Dwarves, I got you a lot Krugsmas present. Go check behind your trenches. Enjoy your gourmet coffee~ Tarus.

    1. KidKrinkles
    2. Nummy


      aww How kind. Presents. :D

  16. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/75097-pre-purge-thalin-letholduss-va-1st/ Check out this fine read of a VA and give me some support. Love you baby girls.
    1. Vekrus


      Challenge Accepted.

  17. Anyone else not allowed to use the messaging system or is it just me?

    1. mr.gerp


      Just you, I just used it.

  18. Thanks for the heads up about your time-schedule. I'll keep it in mind.

  19. Nope. Got it. :D

  20. We have one. Well. A sigil. Its a wolf-head.

  21. So I just found the comment section of my page~

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