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  • Birthday 11/11/1995

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  1. @Kowaman I feel like you rather misrepresented the feedback given by the players (though I would not leap to saying there is an ulterior motive to this, that would be unfair).


    If anything, the "I would perhaps enjoy 1.9.4..." camps should be taken as around 0.5~ a vote or less as the keyword is "perhaps", meaning unsure. Additionally, there were FOUR camps for post 1.8 and only one for pre 1.9 combat, which would hugely skew the balance in favour of the prior. If anything, I would view the results of this poll as hugely in favour of pre 1.9 combat due to the rather resounding 37.5% voting compared to 1.9.4's 31%.


    If we could have pre 1.9.4 combat (no swing timers) but with different types of weapons then I believe we would strike a good balance. I feel like a lot of people likely didn't really know what constituted the option they were voting for.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neri


      Because psychology. If you are given a choice of five vote options but three are proxy ones then you're more likely to vote for one of the four even if you wouldn't have if there were no proxy vote options at all. 

      If anything there should have been a vote for 1.8 or 1.9 and THEN if you pick 1.9 it should ask you if you're happy with how LOTC combat is, or if you'd like a change. The used method of doing it skews results.

    3. Pureimp10
    4. Neri


      That polls ok but it'll just get ignored as reactionary circle-jerk á la second EU referendum. Democracy sucks if you're on the losing end.

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