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Everything posted by argonian

  1. narthok makes me ANGRY

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1wEPzuqQeM

    any of my fellow minemensch remember this 

  3. do any of my fellow minemen remember this 

  4. “The last Dwarf with a pair of balls died in the siege of Mynebor.”
  5. Yo bro if the game doesn’t work out I think you could really excel in Human Resources.
  6. LOL flamboyant thinking he can still play lore god after his resignation 

    1. ScreamingDingo


      flam is just my alternate account.

    2. Raomir


      dude was a megaflop LOL

  7. hi I’m matt, imattyz if you want to be formal about it. you may know me from such organisations as the decterum, the dominion of malin, the gm team, and for a spell, even the admin team yep, you’re probably jealous of my long and illustrious career, but don’t be kid because today i’m here to tell YOU, that’s right, YOU how you can achieve success the way i have i’ll teach you all the tricks of the trade and things you need to know, and ill even throw in some of my personal insights ive gained over the years this isn’t an offer i extend to just anyone, i only offer this to people hungry for success, and i see HUNGER in your heart kid so for a special offer, just for you, i’ll take you under my wing and give you the old school of hard-knocks education about how YOU can achieve success and all that, just for $12.99 a month consider it kid give me a call 0800-00-1066
  8. nah you don’t have to place a sign to rob an unlocked container that’d be like having to placing a sign whenever u take stuff out of it urself lock your bookshelves
  9. “That's weird, this treaty looks just like one that Orenians screeched made them Dwarven puppets like a year ago.“ says man.
  10. sounds rly cool sound v fun to watch and like a good way to send-off ur char. v fun for the adrenaline too. one issue would be people just making throw-away characters, but i suppose the guy in charge of running it could do some vetting
  11. >cant defend yourself if you get attacked


  12. if you saw him you saw him, how’s that meta?
  13. how do CBs mesh with the idea that wars are consensual. in the OP you also explicitly said that casus belli are gone
  14. well at present what I described is defined as a raid and I’ve gotten in trouble for it before, because I didn’t believe I was raiding. so w/e this business about raids is, you’re gonna wanna redefine what constitutes a raid if you’re going to limit them so severely. if you don’t i guarantee some gm will ban people for my given scenario
  15. so no non-war raids? so if you walk into a settlement with even 2 friends and do anything to break the law, you just get insta-banned?
  16. that’s the one thing I don’t mind about these rules to be honest. Players should have to think a bit harder about raiding then just finding the one part of wall where the defenders forgot to put an overhang. As it stands, people already try to make their settlements unraidable – just they usually fail because builders are too lazy to parkour around and check. There have been plenty of times on the server where there was no raid laddering, and for most of the time laddering was around, defenders could just put buttons on the walls to stop them. Raids can still happen by finding or making(e.g getting one of your guys hired as a guard recruit and he opens the gate, tunneling out of a guy’s basement, etc.) ways into the settlement. I think the increased difficulty of raiding would deter people raiding just because they’re bored and want PVP and mean that the majority of raids would actually have RP reasoning(or at least some decent RP behind the planning, like the guard infiltration for example). That would also serve to make raids less common. For example, I get a guy who makes me a tunnel out of his basement. As soon as I use it, guards will probably work out whose house it is and evict/close it up. So I'm gonna wait until I need it to use it, I’m not just gonna run in and raid next time I’m a bit bored. That is all, of course, if non-consensual raids are even allowed now. I’ve heard they’re not, which is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. IMO the real issue with raids is the concept of “raiding” and “raid rules” itself, which didn’t always exist on the server(and things worked WAAAAY better before it did), but that’s a long rant for another day.
  17. this is why you hire guards
  18. Nice hand-wave. You know full well that these rules will allow NLs to reject wars and you whole-sale support that since you’re terrified of Ves ever getting invaded. Stop trying to pretend that there’s some magical fairy dust attached to these new rules that will suddenly stop NLs looking out for their own interests and self-preservation.
  19. “We put the team into disarray with our dumbass decisions.” “The team was in disarray so forgive our dumbass decisions.” that’s a real hmmm right there
  20. think we should ban murder rp too murder is illegal irl do we really want to be teaching impressionable young teens that killing people is ok think this is something telanir should address
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