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Everything posted by argonian

  1. well in axios you had almost everyone congregating on one island anyway i suppose you will had a few dozen less on it than you would’ve otherwise, but i didn’t notice axios as having particularly better performance than vailor immediately before it or atlas immediately after i wonder do the devs have stats on that kinda thing
  2. Well it does your own case less good if you don’t acknowledge that Mojang made the game laggier. Otherwise people will remember that the game ran much better before and blame it on LOTC devs instead.
  3. wut this is not even remotely true and idk why you’re defending mojang here when it’s 100% their fault. you’ve been on the server basically its entire span, you know how the playercount has been basically the same for most of its existence but that the lag has gotten 10x worse despite a million different methods of improving performance having been tried. even just six months ago the server ran 10x better(i.e chunks actually loaded) mojang have continually made their game run worse almost every version. why credit them for optimisation when it’s clear to anyone the opposite’s happened
  4. Headquarters have moved to 1 C Armas Avenue.
  5. what is this dumb meme of refusing to give any details about a new map until after it’s already pretty much done? how tf are we meant to give feedback then galaxy-brains?
  6. any anime you recommend @Kaelan asking for a friend
  7. Your pitiful save will never do Aegis justice. Regardless, I thank you for your stewardship.
  8. If you +1 this status I'll send you paternal gifs to fill the void your absent father left in your heart. Indeed. 

  9. If you guys just wanted to say, "We'll be punishing people for trolling", then you could've just said. Not everything needs to be a thousand word initiative.
  10. So now the entirety of the dev team has resigned.
  11. Man's backpedalling so hard I think he just ******* time travelled
  12. inb4 the inevitable arguments of “hurr durr 500 ghost forts”, completely ignoring that that’s what happens every permed map too. But that makes this the best time to give us specifics. What’s the point in waiting until it’s too late for feedback? It risks being like Axios all over again.
  13. not really sure anyone cares if people smuggle wooden swords out, unbreaking or not. what are they gonna do – have convenient training sessions? oh the horror
  14. “Why is this in the OOC section)) an individual who may be james2k or may be his character responds, confused as to whether this is an RP post or OOC considering the other responses
  15. Yeah so instead of having local blacksmiths like you said, instead you just have these few huge grinders who supply/sell to everyone while the majority of players are utterly useless. Fantastic. Messaging darksalvo on Skype to make me and the boys some sets of armour because none of us can do it ourselves is truly the pinnacle of RP. And how exactly is this bandits’ heaven? Back in the days of Nexus PVP gear, a couple well armed bandits(or even just shittily armed bandits on horseback) could take out the entire town guard and win fights massively outnumbered. Now the playing field is levelled so that people who don’t spend all day gathering loot still have a chance – but that’s bandits’ heaven somehow???
  16. Nobody bothered with the local blacksmith regardless. Each nation/group picked their couple of grinders who they’d funnel resources into to get them up to Aengulic as fast as possible, and every other player was SOL. Good luck trying to rank up in blacksmithing as a random guy when you needed thousands upon thousands of mina worth of iron, and you had no way of earning all that money since you were too **** to sell your crafts. Meanwhile the state-sponsored blacksmiths got all their resources for free and laughed their way to the bank(before dying of a blood clot from sitting in front of their PC for 3 weeks straight no-lifing the grind). After they let you allocate skill-points it got better, but then people just started using multiple personas to be a jack-of-all-trades, making the whole idea of the plugin fairly pointless. The local “baker”’s job consisted of handing out food to the poor guys going ((food please)) every 2 minutes. Thrilling RP there.
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