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Status Replies posted by KarmaDelta

  1. Wait you can blink into someone and explode them?

  2. I am an idiot...

  3. The hardest choice I have made in The Witcher so far is what clothes to wear to meet the king. If only they were blue,red, or green, this would have been easier.

  4. I just got a netflix account. I wonder if I'll be able to watch tonight's Game of Thrones.

  5. So what happens if someone has more than five magics?

  6. How does one not come off as edgy?

  7. Finally able to download The Witcher 3 after a week or so. Time to test out the greatest sex simulation game that has ever been created. Tried the Witcher 1 before, but couldnt stand the intro and all of those menus, and never tried The Wticher 2, even though that one actually looked somewhat fun.

  8. If you could add one thing to the server, what would it be?

  9. E' sempre sabato! (It's always Saturday!)

  10. i have decided to put my trolling days behind me. may you never be forgotten, young soul.

  11. Man, I cried really hard when I was watching the LoTC forums get spammed with ass-tier japanese shows

  12. Whenever the community's upset or divided over anything, I always wonder how it seems to new players coming in seeing that as their first impression.

  13. Serious question: If I was to make a Khalasheen fanatic mamluke would I be allowed to use the phrase 'Allahu ahkbar'?

    1. KarmaDelta


      Elves trying to be orcs make me cringe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  14. gah, anyone have any good tips for leveling farming?

  15. challenge for Old Farts (1 year+ on the server) Open your status feed, go to the very end and read backwards while trying not to cringe

  16. Might be heading to the US for summer holidays this year. New York or San Francisco?

  17. Hello virgin roleplayers!

  18. Hello virgin roleplayers!

  19. idk what ya'll are saying but malo's booty is still poppin' fam

  20. I want to write up lore, but I don't know what to do. Which of the server should I do? Soulstone expansion of soulgates/portals, generations of magic to explain the different ooc systems, or an explanation to lag/rollbacks.

  21. I have a sneaking suspicion that Robin Drake is in tonight's Game of Thrones

  22. there are 10 necromancy teachers. what have we done.

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