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Status Replies posted by KarmaDelta

  1. For those who were waiting, the Goldhand Company thread is still being worked on, but not ready yet to be released. I will try to have it up somewhere during this week. Look forward to it.

  2. People may die, but dreams don't.

  3. Finished my last exam. I am officially done with college.

  4. so i found out my math class will be 3x harder and have 3x as much work than my current english class. Welp. So long free time

  5. This should be the dwarf theme song. https://youtu.be/ytWz0qVvBZ0

  6. What do you guys think is going to come out first? The 1.9 Combat update or the Magic Plugin?

  7. 1 more post until 500, suggestions?

  8. It's been sunny in west yorkshire for more than one day in a week. Hell must've frozen over.

  9. So my RP has basically slowed to a complete crawl and I'm bored as can be. Anyone got advice on how to make it interesting again?

  10. So my RP has basically slowed to a complete crawl and I'm bored as can be. Anyone got advice on how to make it interesting again?

  11. Pile into teamspeak lads!1

  12. The rep count speaks for itself lmao

  13. I spoke with Freema with a couple of things, if anyone wants clarification on some things I may have some answers. Alternatively you can message Freema on the forums to talk on TS, he is always willing. He's on the LOTC TS as we speak.

  14. dissapointed

  15. Where is all these people at, Salvus?

  16. When Stories become Legends become Myths become Gods.

  17. Finished ME1. The last mission reminded me of ME3 and now I'm sad. :L

  18. Why is there never any events globally for the server anymore?!

  19. Why is there never any events globally for the server anymore?!

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