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Status Replies posted by KarmaDelta

  1. I've never heard an offended Uruk say anything other than "WUB?" before, and it's sorta funny.

  2. I believe I've asked this once on the forums, but I would like to ask you guys again. What would be your opinion of me as an ET member? To point out, I would avoid the "memeage" as much as possible before you guys begin to shoot bullets.

  3. It may be old news, but did anyone know that Jaden Smith may be playing Virgil in a live action Static Shock?

  4. I've decided -banned-

  5. Quick, what's your favorite completed anime? GO

  6. If you submit something to the Lore Team, don't be this guy... http://gyazo.com/949bfdf05d5181648a4f60f1058e0495

  7. I have adapted. I am now one with the MacBook.

  8. God one of my biggest pet peeves is being talked down on. Especially when it comes to what I want. Like "oh, no dear you don't want that that's bad you want this trust me I know" pls /end rant

  9. I've found that rp riding an elephant makes people move aside for you much more often than a horse

  10. If I see one more Little Mac, Captain Falcon and Mario in For Glory I'm going to dissect a kitten.

  11. Apparently even though my forum profile reflects my bedrock VIP I could have lied about it and set it to that as an FM so they can't verify it in game. Are you ******* kidding me? Should I really have to PM Tythus just to recieve my item name VIP perk? Like really

  12. I might actually create a prankster character, where I can just vandalize the walls, annoy the citizens and scare people

  13. If Orcs get to eat rotten flesh, why don't dwarves get to eat stone?

  14. -Removed persona name change cooldown.

  15. At first I was afraid, I was petrified...

  16. Would any of you dears ever sell/donate a town pillar to a hopeless me?~

  17. Prolly going to start playing an Ork, any guides on learning Blah/ people who could help me with it?

  18. So imma try to test my luck and create a map for maybe the next map.. going to try and make it a decent size and maybe a good thread on its history and such. Any ideas you wanna add to the map please throw it in there so I can add. I plan to give the 6 nations a large amount of land. AND hopefully a huge sea for naval battles. That's all for tonight! Good night!

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