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Status Replies posted by KarmaDelta

  1. Which is not a country?

  2. I hope everyone enjoyed the events we put on. I wish I could have done more

  3. The Starbreaker Clan is still around right?

  4. The Starbreaker Clan is still around right?

  5. Really glad about the supreme ct. ruling. A big step into a brighter future :)

  6. You got me fixated on asphyxiation... But without you I can't breathe...

  7. Cerulin skype chat is basically a Council of Carthage right now tbh.

  8. To show support, we should put Leo's banner in our sigs so the staff will notice who made the best banner to show off what LoTC really is. Here it is for the lazy: http://i.gyazo.com/651852de88c60b7fa29773ca934cd991.png

  9. How does one get good at csgo?

  10. So very excited for the map to drop. ^-^

  11. You get more flies with honey compared to salt.

  12. What may be some Dwarven biography stereotypes?

  13. why is the server dying so much?

  14. Can I be whitelisted?

  15. Rust is such a fun game.

  16. Ask not for whom the memes toll.

  17. I hate that I hold grudges

  18. So how would you feel that special ability only your character and his friends has was suddenly accessible to everyone else?

  19. damn lots of br's lately involving pvp...we might have a problem here folks

  20. if horses cant jump 3 block tall walls explain how the mongols jumped the great wall

  21. Is there any lore approved way that I can get a teleporter, like the one within the Mage's Guild entrance?

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