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Status Updates posted by KarmaDelta

  1. ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) Aaayyyy

  2. Dreek did nothing wrong. #Cut4Dreek

  3. For anyone looking to play a Dwarf and want to try some merchant RP, feel free to check out the Goldhand Clan: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/126489-the-goldhand-clan/#entry1216284

  4. May the merchants begin to rise.

    1. Jonificus


      L'chaim to that

    2. KarmaDelta


      Also, you left when I was going to say something else. Get back on.

  5. If anyone is wanting to join in on the merchant RP experience, feel free to look over the clan: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/126489-the-goldhand-clan/

  6. The new Goldhand thread should be up sometime tomorrow or the day after. After that, people may begin submitting applications if they want. I hope to achieve a fun experience with merchant RP for those who want to join in.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      Jon, I shall soon. Im busy at the moment. I will tomorrow most likely. Im about to pack up.

    3. Jonificus
    4. cmack1028


      treebeard master race

      why be a merchant when you could be a hippie

  7. (づ。◕౪◕。)づ pbbbbblttt

  8. Can anyone make a new clan seal for the Goldhand forum thread? PM if you can, cause I wish to have it as soon as possible.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThumperJack


      The Irongut was looks pretty nice, how'd they make that one?

    3. KarmaDelta


      Apparently they had someone from sometime ago who isnt here now to make it for them.

    4. youlovesocks


      just saw your post, ignore what I said

  9. When will the Berry Bugle be unbanned?

    1. ShameJax


      I care more about drfate.

    2. Avacyn
    3. Imam Faiz Kharadeen
  10. Anyone wanna make a Dwarven clan banner for the new Goldhand thread in progress? Is anyone able to do something like that?

  11. Anyone wanna make a Dwarven clan banner for the new Goldhand thread in progress? Is anyone able to do something like that?

    1. Jonificus


      the merchant dorfs, no?

    2. KarmaDelta


      Yes, those are it. I was wandering if anyone could do something like this: http://i.imgur.com/qdG4Tu4.png or something like what the Elves have, just anything really. Just something for the forum clan group.

  12. Lord and savior Drfate returns.

  13. Free comic book day, aw yis.

  14. I just got back from a reception, and I come back to Oren/Urguan treaty where Oren only gets 75k? Wot? That's it? Nothing else out there? Just... wow....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Publius


      Also, the vassal thing will complicate Dwarven imperialism greatly. It essentially makes it dishonorable for the Dwarves to act against Oren.

    3. Hiebe


      Dwarven imperialism was a counter balance to oren in 2.0 when oren was expanding using their force along with the orcs. The dwarves and elves took up arms together to defend themselves if needed and tried to help out a few human groups to get out from under oren. Oren just wants to be human overlords which is fine.

    4. Hiebe


      Dwarves need peace and roleplay to go on and hobo can lead them there and now with the war over hopefully some nice roleplay will happen with no bs happening around

  15. There are no Quartz block recipes. Im gonna freeeeeeeeeeak!!!!!

    1. Llir


      use 2x2?

    2. KarmaDelta


      Nope. Doesnt work, says I need a table.

  16. I bet Zero is really a scrub at BB, what a nerd.

  17. Wait, when did Zero become Zero the Bloodedge? Wow, seems he is into that kind of man on man stuff with his brother!!!!!!

    1. Bircalin


      You've changed

  18. Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun

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