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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Bircalin

  1. I am Tier 5 in PVP magic.

  2. jesus christ fenton

  3. I'm experiencing the GMT view of LotC... It's so quiet...

  4. erp is the best rp

  5. erp is the best rp

  6. Deadpool is being killed off. Time to riot and mass no pvp everyone.

  7. Ehhmmmm, just soulstoned and now I'm in the ground. No I didn't ss from the mines. Can anything be done?

  8. Would anyone be interested if I started taking 5-10$ commissions?

  9. so how do i kill iblees?

  10. 3 players online, gg :D



  13. do warning points lead to a ban or suspension, if so do they reset after said ban/suspension?

  14. Is it possible to donate with prepade visa`s?

  15. typical admin behavior-lock everything that's against them

  16. "Would you rather get banned for no-rp killing, or cybering?" - Pugsy, 2011

  17. *pops in and posts more lotc art http://fav.me/d8bplrd

  18. My nametag at work says 'Khaleesi". So a lot of people call me Queen unknowingly because they dont watch GoT. :)

  19. First time spawning on Day Z, was starving then broke my leg. Second time, mauled to death by zombies. ;~;

  20. http://gyazo.com/fbf3ea6cc98b958ded339058ea074833 Literally just finished building the tree and that happens
  21. There aren't enough snowy areas on this map...

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