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Status Replies posted by Bircalin

  1. Well, I got purposfully banned by dressing up as Han and Chewbacca and then roleplaying. Went down how I wanted. Later guys, game was fun 75% of the time. . .the 25% being when I was a prince.

  2. Praying for the day when my facebook news feed stops consisting out of ice bucket challenge videos.

  3. You think I can get away with putting that image back in my signature a 3rd time?

  4. Will I get banned if I modreq a hug?

  5. Keem > Everyone

  6. Wondering how we can make this inn happen... #hype. *waves tiny sparkler*

  7. Wondering how we can make this inn happen... #hype. *waves tiny sparkler*

  8. To any FM's out there, methinks this thread doesn't have to be pinned anymore. The order was disbanded and has been inactive for a long time.

  9. Bircalin is evil.

  10. got my 6th wanring point for apparently nothing, Thanks, Freya.

  11. SMITE>LoL

  12. .........................

  13. I'm recognized on almost every server I go on, I wonder if I am secretly famous or something...

  14. I'm recognized on almost every server I go on, I wonder if I am secretly famous or something...

  15. 6 days for 4.0... oaaaarrjoggrlaaaffvvrr... by the way, #RememberAsulon

  16. Endless Winter in the middle of Summer. More snow in Thales than there will ever be on a Christmas day in England.

  17. If 12 people on doesn't mean bring on 4.0, I dunno what will, even if it IS like 9 in the morning EST.

  18. Spanks MrGreen c:

  19. How does one become a master of the lore?

  20. How does one become a master of the lore?

  21. How does one become a master of the lore?

  22. What happened to the origional antags? The immolated ones in the beginning of Anthos?

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