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Ibn Khaldun

Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Ibn Khaldun

  1. Two of approximate Twelve Lore-Written Letters sent out to correct Nations. Guilds, you may experience some uneasiness, diziness, pain, and perhaps fatalities :3

    1. Aislin


      *likes this post*

    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      You forgot upset-stomach and diarrhea.

    3. Chrisdena


      Well done! -likes-

  2. Dwarves of Asulon, read about the first kind on Asulon! :D

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      So... we're not going to die?... :D

  3. Expect the Ancient Dwarves explanation of presence in Asulon tonight along with the beginning of the end of many Guilds hopefully, Nation Leaders, RP responsibly :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aryon


      The Orc's shall team with us! They shall fall!

    3. bungo



    4. Sawses


      Kill ALL da guilds?

  4. Mogroka, you ever going to send that PM :P

  5. So LotC, shall I reveal the 'Guild Proposition' or the 'Reason how my character is discovering Ancient Dwarven History in Asulon'?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neutonic


      Aye i agree! but the guild proposition interests me the most.

    3. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      Dwarf please, I've become quite interested in it.

    4. Thrym


      Dwarf. Da history of da bearded ones must be known!

  6. /t NekoDanie Can I have LoreMaster things, relog and can't access LotC

    1. NekoDanie


      Working on it. Hop in TS if you can.

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Sighs, I have to download Teamseak 3, I will, gimme a minute.

    3. NekoDanie


      Try logging in now?

  7. So I shall be whipping out my Lore Master First Executive Order Tuesday Afternoon

  8. Feeling pretty sexeh to this song:

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Oh and No Ordinary Love, can't forget that!

  9. Aced my Psychology and Philosophy Final, Anatomy and Sociology Final next week on Tuesday, I will reward myself with LotC tonight :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun
    3. nppeck


      Why anatomy?

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      I was in the Nursing Program, but Im switching to get my Masters History and a MAT Teaching Ceritificate!

  10. **** TENTOA for posting 'Hot Problems' for the DecoLivestream to sing!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coconuta


      Hot problems.. is hot

    3. Cappy
    4. 154684321654951


      I'd rather rub glass into the eyes of an orphan than listen to that again. GOD it was awful.

  11. I have to admit, I love writing the Ancient Dwarven Lore!

    1. Aislin


      I may be contacting you about some Alras lore if you're up to it, because your recent work has been outstanding.

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Sure, shoot me a PM

  12. Unlock that 'Something Needs To Be Said' so I can give most of the folks in there a ten-gun salute for their bizarre talking points!

    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I always did want to get me one of them fancy pistol slingers.

    2. Ibn Khaldun
  13. It seems a bit quiet in contrast to the typical bickering/whining, so I ask: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsaxcqgej51qj9e69.gif

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      http://www.gifsforum.com/images/gif/not a single *** was given/grand/58322953_not_single_fuk_given.gif
    2. Twilight Druid
  14. If you want a better name for the Dwarven Rangers, since it is a legion, either use 'Auxilla' or 'Velites'.

    For guards, use 'sentries' or 'sentinels'

    For 'High Marshall' (Lol, reminds me of Oren, I loved killing their Marshalls): Use Centurions or Aquilifers.

    Just a few ideas.

  15. Hunkering down for Finals, might not be on till May 1st.

    1. Akeron


      'Hulk'ering would be better, hur hur.

  16. I am YO NEW LORE MASTAH! Fear me!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zezimus


      Congrats Gaius :P

    3. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦


      worked wonders for the last Indiana Jones movie, Alkenaar -_-

    4. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Nice Garrus....Damn.

      Sorry Gaius. :3

  17. Then that is a good idea definitely, hypothetically, it would allow the survival of more 'militaristic' guilds ideally. Is the idea I suggested however one you can find feasible?

  18. Wait, I thought you requested a 'Guild Overhaul' idea, first we have to wrangle in the Playerbase, then do the Overhaul, is that idea you posted on my wall just now your idea for the Overhaul?

  19. Help a Brother out and Pin my Ancient Dwarven Lore for you all :3

  20. I will not post OOCly on the 'Dwarf Info Thread', but you need to edit that Broski made Kiror Yemerdorn the Archivist of the Dwarves, discovering piece by piece Ancient Dwarven Lore (Link to Sent-ya'ikte-Jegaaz would benefit) and that the Teutonic Order defeated the Siege on Krugmar by Human/Dwarven Alliance ;)

  21. Guilds are left with two options; Death or Dissolve into the Mother Nation.

    (This will make things interesting and consolidate the playerbase into their nations while still allowing 'guilds', but these certain guilds have to be granted special permission.)

  22. poorly conducted guilds as a reason to justify to their citizenry the cause of war. Thus every nation is now sending ultimatums across their entirety of land that guilds must either dissolve or face Military Force in purging guilds to the brinks of collapse. Only the shrewdest diplomat of a guild may persuade the Nation's leader to spare them and grant them special permissions, but overall...

  23. - To crack down on guilds:

    (Seeing as Mog somehow 'upgraded me to LoreMaster, I can make this work)

    After the blundering of the Ordinators within Salvus costing Salvus as a Nation it's 'right to exist' as upheld by other nations, guilds are becoming more and more despised. Nations realize that these guilds can cause public atrocities and incite other Nations to use the...

  24. Hello Shiftnative;

    I would like to extend a helping hand in terms of taking care of either Guilds or Ban/Strike Reports. This is not a suggestion that you and the other staff are incapable of taking care, but from the Community perspective; these two aspects are lacking in activity of staffing. As you may have seen throughout the forums, I have the ability to keep cool (in terms of c...

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