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Ibn Khaldun

Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Ibn Khaldun

  1. Subudai! Commence! Check the Lore, Check the First Theme, Get to Joining!

    1. shields12347


      Get on ts and talk to me you git!

    2. Jorgen Reimer

      Jorgen Reimer

      But Gaius is to lazy to download TS!

  2. *Attempts to kiss up to the Forum Mod, I'll give you a 10/10 :lol:
  3. Contemplating this as Subudai Theme:

  4. Gonna Write up some War Rules ;) Check the 'War-Metal' post in Your Ideas and Lore to see my beginning statement

  5. Can I use this as an example to my Thesis ;)
  6. Subudai is Starting ;) Join the Tribal-Nomadic Horde! ;) By the way, read my Thesis lolol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      The Nomad Camp of the Subudai is close to Salvus ;)

    3. Viscen


      *smacks his forehead as he notices Gaius speaking of the Parthians prior to his post.

      Now I feel unoriginal!

    4. Jangle~


      *Jumps up and down excitedly*

      I wish to join!

  7. Susitsu, I think I may have an idea to interest you ;)

  8. So Subudai it is ;)

  9. Vaquxine, as my Loremaster Application was left at the process of contacting you via Skype, would I still be eligible to take up the Loremaster Position, I heard that one of the two current ones went inactive.

  10. To Subudai or not to Subudai, look it up on Forums if not familiar...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Ours is not to question why, ours is but to subudo or subudai.

    3. Jangle~


      Heck yeah, I want some nomadic mongol-esque tribes running around. I think I would perhaps even try join at some point.

    4. Jorgen Reimer

      Jorgen Reimer

      To Subudai, and form that allready Gaius.

  11. Holy ****, I have not been online for about two months I reckon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aislin


      Hi Gaius! We'd love to see you back.

    3. pumpkin_eaters


      Hi, I'm the new Graphic guy. Welcome back.

    4. Abeam


      Gaius, write some awesome stuff and kill a few people.

  12. I apologize, if you could be patient with me, I have to get something fixed with my laptop, then Ill be able to skype you.

  13. *cringes* Hanseti is south of Renatus, not inbetween :3

    PS: Hope you liked the song :P

  14. Rest assured, it actually is nothing to do with politics :D

  15. Before everyone goes into your status of needing something to entertain you and sprays and prays, tearing it apart, here is a good link:

  16. *craps himself seeing Grabthar's Loremaster Application

    'Aww Shiznit, this gun' be good'

  17. Interesting to figure out: What are the last three books you have read?:

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Swgrclan


      I read three Warcraft books. Better than expected.

    3. Areon


      1. Silent Warrior

      2. In Company Of Heroes

      3. The Odyssey

    4. Antian


      1. Hope was here

      2. Wrinkle in time

      3. The art of war

  18. Holy **** You Remembered.

  19. Well Well, Fellow Kentuckian!

  20. This is for CRITIQUE ONLY, not to rub my chest and feel good: Which 'Advanced Lore Writing' on my Loremaster Application was your favorite?

    1. Sinstrite


      But I have Tiger Balm if you do decide rubbing is an option.

    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      I'll tell you yours if you tell me mine ;)

    3. Repiteo


      1. Almost like a preview to a movie, nice atmosphere.

      2. Classic and effective approach, a tad cheesy for my tastes.

      3. Similar to reading a story, emotion not as present as I'd like.

      4. Most natural writing, lore in this case is more indirect.

      5. Play-by-Play, good for summaries and storytelling, but not so much for an official lore recap.

      Overall: my favorite is the fourth due to how the writing is more natural and relatable then the others.

  21. Mogroka, I truly hope that 'Reclaimation' will be granted...

  22. Why am I not surprised that a reclaimation is already called.

    1. RossssM


      Lol, it was like 4 nations against 1. And it probably will be again when they try to take it, what's the point? Surely they should just give diamonds and what-not to all the opposing nations and beg for peace. With the way it's heading at the moment it seems Renatus will be no more.

  23. Damn Right! Give a round of applause to Samuel and the Teutonic Order and the Orcs!

  24. *kisses his Loremaster and steps back and watches diligently

    1. Hiebe


      I feel so inadequate to you haha

    2. NekoDanie


      Oh god what have we done.

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      *steps in like Sauron


  25. Aye I apologize if I annoyed you with not being able to come to your Nation at the moment. I haven't played Minecraft in days, don't want to distract myself from working with College. Yes Yes I visit the Forums and Write, those things I can easily put down, but getting bogged in RP and making time commitments I cannot spare to do. I hope your rocking socks and doing great with your RP!

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