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Ibn Khaldun

Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Ibn Khaldun

  1. Aye I apologize if I annoyed you with not being able to come to your Nation at the moment. I haven't played Minecraft in days, don't want to distract myself from working with College. Yes Yes I visit the Forums and Write, those things I can easily put down, but getting bogged in RP and making time commitments I cannot spare to do. I hope your rocking socks and doing great with your RP!

  2. Interesting myself in organizing the Subudai before my School ends (Don't worry, I know how to commit my time ;) ) If I do, I want to know A. Who would be Interested? B. What 'Orient' Cultures would you like to learn more about from this RP experience?!

    1. Sultan


      Hm want my help :3

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Mogroka, would not mind having assistance!

  3. They've hidden behind the Flag, the Bible, and Children....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Ooh, a riddle. You know they used to hang men for that kinda thinkin'.

    3. Lykos


      I hate politicians.

    4. Abeam


      If this is a Skyrim joke I'm going to start killing puppies, I swear to god.

  4. What are you looking at :P

  5. Playing George Carlin videos while cleaning my room :3

    1. Sultan


      You addicted my friend.

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      George Carlin is Epic Mogroka :P

  6. I am going to get an Energy Healing Session in a Week, what should the Energy Healer Heal for Me?! Lolol

    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Is that where they dangle Brazilian Power Crystals over your gonads and chant in tongues while convulsing?

  7. Gotta Love my Professor and his Energy Healing Demonstration with a Coffee Store Owner turned Medium :lol:

  8. I am addicted to Arabic Rhythms :lol: Also, Broken Crescent Mod for M2: Total War is Epic

    1. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      I'm thinking about buying M2, is it good? and is it very violent?

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Medieval II: Total War is really great, to be honest, it isn't so much violent as much as it is one of the best Strategy Game :3 Gunpowder Units are epic and try a campaign of the Moors and stay alive long enough to get Gunpowder Units and you get Camel Gunners, they just blow everything out of the water!

    3. Cossair


      I still have a vintage Medieval: Total war somewhere. Good times.

  9. Doing a good job!

  10. Damn Proud of my Hanseti! Hanseti 2012! First Legitimately Lore-written and player-made Nation! PS: Teutonic Order is till officially BAMF

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cossair


      What about Alras?

    3. Shoi


      Don't let it go to your head, just hope others follow

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Shoi, pray tell you weren't attempting to say that I am arrogant, I am merely being jokeful when I flaunt, a little laughter for my soul. They say laughter is the best medicine and I just snapped myself out of the sniffles ma'am :3

  11. I Love How Europa Barbarorum's Licensing Policy when Modding Rome: Total War is 'Learn More about History' xD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sultan


      Hmmm I loved Europa barbarorum

      but they moved to M2WK right?

    3. Zebanamana


      Didn't they do a pre-Alexander conquest look for Egypt? I can't remember it's been years since I played. I just remember hating the three factions of Rome and the assholes in the Senate. I preferred Medieval 2

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Mogroka, the EB team are producing EBII on the Kingdoms expansion yes, it looks absolutely beautiful!

  12. Well there is the answer to 'why aren't we helping Darfur?', it is because we have an embargo against trading with Sudan....

  13. In Psychology watching a video about Disney subliminal 'sensual' messages xD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Personal opinion, no offense intended

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      I Agree Wholeheartedly Aedan.

    4. Redbaron™


      In geology some guy came in and taught us how to proper "love make" He was strange to >.<

  14. What was the ROFL, because I sound like a shrink (realizes he talked about confusing desire for desire) lol

    Anyways, just some food for thought, don't let that guy get you sad, because sadly some males can feel empowered rather than saddened that they do such things, just avoid giving him the pleasure of persuading your emotions aye :D

  15. PS: Any immature fool who confuses 'desires' for sexual desire, I'm gonna beat your head in.

  16. Exactly, so you question your thinking, your thinking is what dictates your desires, now you may have 'love' for this man, but if he is 'leading you on', you must question your thinking and notice you may not exactly desire being put through games and rigorous nonsense.

  17. In other words Auvreaeath staged an intervention. To be honest, question your thinking and you will achieve more than what you perceive at first glance/thought :)

  18. *claps his hands like a child* The Chief vs. Leonidas Rap Battle was so funneh.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dat Burkester

      Dat Burkester

      Gaius you still need to have a rap battle vs. me

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Burkester, I write poetry though :o

    4. Vanus


      Gaius, write me some.

  19. If you notice the timestamps, Native and I were in a heated debate and I actually quoted separate posts made by him, once again, respectfully I ask that I have this Warning removed from the record/slate/however that thing is named that is below my name on my Profile lol

  20. My Steam ID: gaiusmarius8, due to recent 'spammings and annoyances' both with Skype and TS3, Ive uninstalled them. Come and add me on Steam, perhaps we will play a round or two together with some games! :D

  21. I am going to ask respectfully, how did I 'double post' in the Suppression Topic?

  22. I see you there lookin' at mah' Profile, do I look prettah to ya?!

  23. If you don't understand the full position of someone, don't try to paint them a certain way ;)

    1. Roze


      Fantastic words, Gaius.

  24. Now beware those who attempt to speak out, they will label you as 'whiny', 'rebellious', 'ludicrous', the ones who do this think they can dictate how the community must feel, thus labelling you negatively is aspiring to bring about the community to defame and change attitudes towards you, beware everyone

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      You can't even sprinkle some in Chai Tea :(

    3. Dash_Rogers


      I got put down to 3 stars for pushing my beliefs of how we should be playing this game. My ego over powers my beliefs and now I am trying my hardest to oppress my opinions. failing miserably.

    4. Volutional


      Dash, feel free to PM me anything, just say it and It'll be anonymous.

  25. I contemplate the primitive skill of collecting Cannibis, can you teach me ol wise one.

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