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Status Replies posted by VonEbs

  1. Why is malinor a no-pvp area?

  2. Can someone please explain what raid rules are broken? I'm confused because elves raided humans yesterday, and humans raiding elves yesterday. But today the elves get to raid, but the humans can't??? Some clarification pls :3

  3. at least we still have ebs

  4. If Someone could link me the Ghost lore, that'd be great.

  5. smh elves dont seem to understand were at war

  6. I would like to inform of the one damning issue with the House vote currently. Due to an amending of the rules on Oct. 1st, 2013, the House Majority Leader is the only person who can issue the end of the governmental shutdown; that would be Eric Cantor. I do very much hope that this pathetic debt ordeal is solved, but Im keeping an eye on Cantor and wondering what sort of trickery may be afoot.

  7. So right now, I am not aloud to use my computer because 'I am wasting the internet' soon I will not be able to play AT ALL because the Router will be moved as I am 'wasting the internet'

  8. Hey ladies. Freya's now a Developer. Yay.

  9. How much is anti DDOsing software?

  10. How much is anti DDOsing software?

  11. And so our great nation falls, the plague of our time bringing our great civilization to its knees. Flee while you can, safe yourselves from such a fate, do not be taken by this great power of malice and evil. Resist... resist.... the donger....

  12. Why has Lotc been offline all day?

  13. Is it bad I'm this close*pinches fingers* to buying another minecraft account cause I want to play an orc?

  14. So whats the longest you people have gone without being killed RPly?

  15. I thought it was really interesting to see the battle in Telemar with its 65 player base.

  16. Is 28 Days Later good?

  17. Mina = 1 | Horen = 10 ??? | = 100

  18. I think I am going to have to call the meeting off for now...

  19. After the restart, remember to come to the Elven public forum!

  20. Remember when Heero's voice broke?

  21. Working on my new ~Spoiler alert~ news paper, now that we got the news, we need to find people to pay for ads!

  22. Telanir or Telefar ;o

  23. Elves must fear the remaining Felders....

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