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Status Replies posted by VonEbs

  1. Remember kids. The Conclave is sin.

  2. Hm, FM applications are looking quite full. Perhaps may need to accept a few ;)

  3. how old do elves get b4 they ded? or are they like immortal

  4. This is so horrible it is funny.

  5. That was a fun raid. We were somehow outnumbered, but it was fun XD

  6. im gonna try to get all the bandits raiders and big pvpers on the server to do ONE DAY of rp default just to remind everyone how absolutely awful it was

  7. Log into Lenniel to check on cows. -Oh great another raid- And someone's named [Hooded] Edgy. Look thats not even funny, I don't know where I should post something like this but I strongly belive Edgy shouldnt be a In-game thing. Its a OOC slang.

  8. If you had the power to read one person's mind whenever you want, who would you choose?

  9. Why was Grools thread deleted

  10. *Ewan Gunda is banished from Abresi for stating his opinion on the captain*

  11. Holy crap one of my first lore posts from back in Aegis. I never finished it though..maybe I should..

  12. Must. Finish. Essay. But. Hate. Chose. Worst. Topic. Ever. Regulation of Cybercrime..wtf was I thinking.

  13. Economists, I call upon thee! Since Google won't help, I'll ask here. What are the restrictions on a nations economic growth? (If any)

  14. I've been hearing lots about "Dark elf" and "Wood elf" culture. Could someone possibly tell me aobut these "Cultures"? because they all seem exactly the same they have always been - except the sub-races are all divided now, and apparently are getting superiority complexes again.

  15. Just a heads up. Its cold enough in canada for brakes to actually break.

  16. I need an extremely prominent Character in LoTC's lore!

  17. Anyone else not care the slightest about this whole drama?

  18. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: When were Cave Spiders first introduced to the server in large numbers?

  19. Is anyone else not able to take a screenshot of the IG chat box?

  20. The person that was wondering about the removal of the crypt plug-in, I will simply say no, it is here for rp, as the monks heal you.

  21. Can someone explain to me the purpose of the crypt plugin

  22. Who's the chief of the Lumidrim? I just thought of a punishment that's within the server rules that should be pretty effective in removing undesirables from the city.

  23. Did anyone get an MC crash just now?

  24. explain to me what happened to Sarda

  25. High Council Q and A at 2 EST in Malinor

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