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Status Replies posted by VonEbs

  1. Just killed a mass-pugsier in Abresi. Your welcome LOTC.

  2. Can a GM w/ world edit get on and help us copy and paste our siege weapons for the battle in 5 hours

  3. Does anybody know a site for finding college-level essay sources? IE magazines and books.

  4. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What flammable tree has jet black or purple bark?

  5. Who's idea was it to make the crypt plugin?

  6. I propose we restart the Anthos Improvement Committee.

  7. I propose we restart the Anthos Improvement Committee.

  8. I propose we restart the Anthos Improvement Committee.

  9. I join other forums so I can pretend I'm a noob. /Pretend/ .... I'm so bad.

  10. Which class to take, The Use of Syntax in 14th Century Bulgarian Poetry or The Rise and Fall of the Empire of Madagascar... Ah, choices.

  11. I feel sad :( anyone have any suggestions how to feel better?

  12. So Im going to be making my post here soon about my hibernation until next summer, I'll be popping in-game to write MC books, I want to see if three folks can volunteer to export them :3

  13. Son of a ***** lol, I wrote 33 pages in a MC book and the server crash rolled it all back. Gat'damnit lel

  14. Senlit's a gao'uld.

  15. What if we direct 50% of server funding towards an unending energy drink supply for Tel?

  16. http://image.naldzgraphics.net/2012/07/3-Bulbasaur.jpg Just saying, Bulbasaur is a pretty swell companion in pokemon.
  17. Resist fellow LotC players! Resist the scourge of pokemon forum pictures! Take back individuality! None shall make me change into a pokemon!!!!

  18. When I get bored, I destroy NPC villages with orbital cannons. http://imgur.com/a/tLEI8

  19. A moment of silence for our beloved knockout plugin.

  20. I'm not sleeping until i've completed the most modreqs. That's an oath on my soul.

  21. And another one bites the dust

  22. Spaceofaids got perma banned again. lmfao.

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