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Status Replies posted by VonEbs

  1. it really flusters me when non-orcs speak perfect Blah like they grew up with it |:I

  2. How many warning points do you have? The ones with zero don't count

  3. Battle in an hour elves.

  4. Can no one else connect right now?

  5. I guess there are such things as map rooms now.. http://gyazo.com/b3e9fea715025f1fa6965a6042d2af97

  6. Totally just saw a skeleton Spider jockey on the way to Abresi, oh goodness. First time I've seen a skeleton on LOTC in forever.

  7. In 4.0, elves should stick to more LoTR type architecture, what the elves in the movie do. I don't find the trees attractive personally and they just make it to big. I think a stone/marble, elegant looking area would suit them better.

  8. What is up with server?

  9. Goddamn Mojang, fix whatever the hell's the problem... Or server or whoever/whatever the hell it is!

  10. Guys, we should let the Mori come back. Perhaps the Mori clerics got a few people through a rift or somethin'?

  11. Guys, we should let the Mori come back. Perhaps the Mori clerics got a few people through a rift or somethin'?

  12. VonEbs, never forget. Alexander Hamilton brought the Rothschild to America. Long live Liberty! :3

  13. I think some people just need to put a little more trust in the staff. I don't say that lightly, though, as I know how hard that may be. However, we are watching to see how our changes roll out. Things are never smooth to start off, but we will know more when they have been in affect for a couple of weeks (at least). We don't make decisions and then force you to endure them forever -- if they suck, we will adjust that decision or revert it completely. Don't worry guys!

  14. I think some people just need to put a little more trust in the staff. I don't say that lightly, though, as I know how hard that may be. However, we are watching to see how our changes roll out. Things are never smooth to start off, but we will know more when they have been in affect for a couple of weeks (at least). We don't make decisions and then force you to endure them forever -- if they suck, we will adjust that decision or revert it completely. Don't worry guys!

  15. Found /adv/ on 4chan... this is probably a bad thing.

  16. aiim and i ruined oren

  17. PST. The best timezone.

  18. Spend all day and part of the night doing a sketch. Forgot to save because done in one shot. Terrifying storm knocks out the power. FML.

  19. Black people are great

  20. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What have been the five Orcish sub-races?

  21. Why does everything have to be owned by somebody? Can't make something somewhere without it being owned by at least 2 different groups or nations.

  22. Would it require a VA to build an abandoned Iblees worship temple? Just for a place for wanderers to explore?

  23. What do you mean Joe, Jesus was closer to black than he was to Germanic white, blond-eyed lies and deceit :3

  24. Gronkk is like the king of anthos already... xD

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