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Status Replies posted by comanderbly^

  1. the true lord of the craft is the friends we made along the way

  2. Rebel fast travel charter is so studpid. Rebelling factions act out as full-out autonomous nations, they should receive the privileges of such until the war ends. Paying 3000 minas/week is also a huge amount for a simple fast travel

    1. comanderbly^


      @Eli_Cohen people only rebel if there is an issue, before there was no fast travel and people wouldn't rebel. So clearly you haven't put much thought into your words.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. I know this war is pretty intense, but can we all just agree.. **** House Green?

  4. My suggestion to everyone is to go into 4.0 with an open mind and wanting to be happy. If you go in thinking the world has ended nothing will improve.

  5. Can we have a 4 hour temp map of all the race's boats next to eachother in the ocean?

  6. When do you think we will discover refrigeration?

  7. It's very hard to try to get friends to join this server...

    1. comanderbly^


      there are no pinned accessible new roleplayer guides

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. ariana grande can bang bang her way to the bottom of the charts

  9. So many BR's on "No Rp Killing" why is this such a problem now?

  10. Regarding blind characters, wouldn't it be far more interesting if you didn't announce your character was blind? And through roleplay people would find out.. I think it would make it much more interesting to realise that a character is blind.

  11. http://imgur.com/9iVcJXi I got back into taking screenshots with fancy shaders
    1. comanderbly^


      you can take screenshots with shaders? go apply to the glorious team of media!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Someone linked me #feminism , I checked my privaledge both white and male, and i know more than ever that i love being a straight white male, god bless america, womyn have so many problems, i love being a man

  13. Got banned for fly hacking... Nice

  14. The problem with LotC magic is it ain't enough like this:

  15. some people online can be soft. you must realize, whem im called the "n" word and someone says they're going to lynch me, i laugh. mostly because i know someone wont drive hours and gain a mob just to kill and burn some black guy on the internet. its the internet : ^ ]

  16. can I post my sick abs as my profile pic or is that prohibited?

    1. comanderbly^


      i got a warning for that once.... but i posted tupac...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. How long till iron armor slowness is reduced to 25%, im literally a turtle with 2 legs

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