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Status Updates posted by MarioMixer

  1. When you can login to you forum account from 6 years ago, knowing the exact password, yet i canny remember my account email or password for actual minecraft, Lmao, 

  2. Why am i following you? I dont even know who the **** you are lmao, care to enlighten me?

    Edited by MarioMixer
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. saint swag
    3. LoTC's Next Top Model

      LoTC's Next Top Model

      its past your bed time

    4. MarioMixer


      Your all dirty high elves, and i am morally superior 

  3. Would love to go on the server and see what has changed, i had the fondest memories Roleplaying in Aegis, and to some extent anthos and asulon, 

    Dont know what happened after that,


    1. MarioMixer


      bit of a problem mate, cause my MC is like the old one and forgot password and dont have access to/ forgot the email i signed up for

  4. Yo What world are we on now? 

  5. :] 1 last look at all my freinds on here :]

  6. :L Scousers. Scousers! xD

  7. "Alright benders, Jump in the minge mobile" -Jay Carwright,

  8. "Falling asleep last, so you can fall apart" what a sad situation you Must be in, everyone deserves someone to talk to. Everyone.

  9. "no you dont know what its like, when nothing feels alright, to be me, to be hurt, to feel lost, to feel left out in the dark" Simple Plan

  10. ******* dwarven guys are such meta gamers its unreal

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cooonie


      I smell a stereotype.

    3. Hiebe


      hey now, we prefer the term hivemind

    4. MarioMixer


      Sorry to generalise dwarfs as a whole I should of clarified it was only a specific group

  11. #Nathan Barnett For GM!, lets get this **** trending,

  12. 1 guess, first try, guess the person!, boom, winner winner chicken dipper

    1. Kitten


      Yah yah, it wasn't hard to figure out who I was.

  13. 234 posts 5900 views.... Seems legit...

    1. monkeypoacher


      that's because you're a slimy girl

    2. MarioMixer
  14. 256 posts, 7000 profile views,... ill let that sink in for a sec....

  15. 3 days grace marathon! Bring it on!, Riot up next!

  16. All around me are Nooby faces, Worn out races, going no whereeee, the beers are filling up their glasses, no expression, no expression

  17. All I want for Christmas is ..... An accepted villain app :L

  18. all the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you better run, better run,

    1. comanderbly^
    2. MarioMixer


      why what have I done?

  19. All the small things.

  20. All time low - Backseat Serenade

  21. All time low-timebomb

  22. America would be such a hoot to live in -_-



      As an american citizen I can indeed confirm it is a hoot.

    2. Lago


      Just don't get hurt or ill. Ever.

  23. America, Canada Or Australia will be the places ill emigrate to

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. oblivionsbane


      Most Americans joke about people whose steering wheels are on the other side. It's like why would you drive on the left side? Then you have to work the gears if it is manual with your non dominant hand. (Unless you are left handed.)

    3. oblivionsbane


      Right* Just woke up lol

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Don't go to America o-o

      Go to Canada. Australia ain't any good either.

  24. and maybe one day it won't be hard to be me, and I'll find out just where I belong,it feels like it's taking forever, but one day things'll get better, and my time will come, and I'll be the lucky one

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