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Status Updates posted by XSBurningKiller

  1. I only hope I can make it back in.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheBreadmannn
    3. XSBurningKiller


      Well I am back in! :D

    4. domainoft


      Will you be creating a new character? "Which is my suggestion" Or trying to catch up your old one....

  2. Getting Married!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Admiral_Ackbarf


      Well considering

      It says on his

      Profile he's 14...I think OOCly :-)

    3. Admiral_Ackbarf


      ^^Wow I messed that up. I meant IC. *Derp

    4. XSBurningKiller
  3. People saying Happy Birthday to me? What is it my birthday or something? oh wait it is.

  4. Dont you love it wen your mom says "Ill just give a short trim on your hair" and she Lies..

  5. What sounds more...interesting, A mute Samurai or a loud big guy?

    1. Jon Evaglno

      Jon Evaglno

      Well, a mute Samurai would be very hard to hear.

    2. Beneh



      Top Class banter there

    3. XSBurningKiller


      Haha, Well the Samurai would do a nod. :p

  6. What would be more fun to watch? Orcs play Chess or Elves in a no arms meat eating contest?

    1. Pudclud


      Chess. Far more intriguing.

    2. XSBurningKiller


      An other question is how long will that chess game last?

    3. XSBurningKiller


      An other question is how long will that chess game last?

  7. Be very helpful if you guys check out my ban appeal.

    1. domainoft


      If you add me as a witness, or important person to the ban/report and also re-due your report to follow the appropriate format I will comment in your defense.

    2. XSBurningKiller


      Thanks alot, You can read my appeal on the place.

  8. Ill be back playing in 3 days or so :D

  9. The awkward moment when your cooking and your dad says what he would like and its like he's speaking a different language and Im like: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    1. domainoft


      What did he request?

    2. ryno2
  10. How many Orcs can a man keep under his control?

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      The real question is, how many chains do you have?

    2. XSBurningKiller


      That's the trick. :D

  11. The person who invented the door knock won the No-bell prize.

    1. xXBegginBobXx


      "Never. Again. Please."

      *a single tear runs down his face

    2. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch

      HAH I see what you did there.

  12. Looks like Im back in!

    1. monkeypoacher
    2. Rhia


      Just entered the command :D WB

  13. I swear so many people hang out in the basements of Petrus Im surprised Dwarfs don't run the place

  14. Was going to get married IC but noooooo Minecraft.net doesn't want me too. ;_;

    1. Lirinya


      ._. Unlucky >.>

  15. -Check see how many people are on server says 25 are on- Meh soon they will suffer like us -26 are now on- WHAT MATTER OF WITCH CRAFT IS THIS?!!!!

    1. XSBurningKiller


      27 are now on??!!? Why cant I join? ;_;

  16. Server down again? Looks like Lotc doesn't want me to get married. ;_;

    1. The Informant

      The Informant

      Looks like LoTC doesn't

      want Tamare to have her

      twins o.o

  17. I got a free PS3 O.o Now I have Xbox, PS3 and PC :D

    1. gingernut97


      Sell them both to buy kickass PC components :DDDD

  18. So anyone want to update me on whats been going on in the land? :P

    1. MrSyth


      We're switching to a new host VERY soon, hoping all will be good after that.

  19. Damn 6 year old girls killing the mobs. Kids nowadays..

    1. Readicti


      I know... they just don't die like they used to.

  20. Give up? Ha! I do not know the meaning of that! ( He really doesn't )

  21. An other monday...off to school e_o

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