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Status Replies posted by Cracker

  1. You guys realize its April fools day for a lot of Loremasters

  2. http://gyazo.com/8d06b6398bffca21f1083e2913d1c8f6 I guess I'll just hide under a rock and hope the skygods don't notice me now.
  3. nice those gyazo's, yet sadly skype ain't no LotC medium so it isn't usable lol

  4. i was thinking of getting on the server again too

  5. #EnforceRulesBanScummyTrolls :)

  6. If someone breaks rules and gets banned, its not GM abuse.

  7. Calm down guys. It's only a month. It's not GM abuse when he breaks rules either lol.

  8. Omg... 1 month? You kidding me?

  9. what the **** happened to the Orcs...

  10. Why do humans ICly hate elves?

  11. Ummm, anyone mind giving me how long, year wise, we've been in anthos?

  12. #WarWithIgor2014

  13. I ain't even gonna lie, despite me being PGed on occasion. Fringe is the ish man. Looks legit, folks have been building more and more nice-looking things, folks seem more relaxed. I still intend to "put down" the Antags [hopefully with little staff complaint], but doing mini-antagonizing with a few ideas will be in works.

  14. "The descendants of the two tribes called themselves the Adunians and as one they created the kingdom of Idunia, one of the first civilized settlements in Aegis, where they would rule over normal men for many years." - Approved Lore :D

  15. Meanwhile, in Oren noble leader chat... http://imgur.com/BtLNidi

  16. Stay messy my friends!

  17. Stay messy my friends!

  18. Am I the only one that thinks Messy Medieval is overused? I mean even the main streets and main roads are like a third-gravel and there's plenty of dirt too.

  19. You know democracy is dead when your government is making it so that at least 40% of the Dáil(imagine Congress of Parliament) MUST be female. It doesn't matter if people vote for males, if they are not enough males they'll go however far down the list and get the women with the most votes.

  20. I seemed to have created a bad reputation for myself. Just wish I could find a way to show that I've changed my ways.

  21. Am I the only one who saw nothing wrong with the whole mace-catching thing?

  22. We haven't had a ban report for quite a bit, the Event Team has been swatting some pretty entertaining and cinematic events, the last war-claim done was a blow-out and knocked us up to 200+ cap, a player is actually in talks and willing to give up his settlement to congregate folks in another city to consolidate numbers, people are realizing compassionate interpersonal talking is better than reddit-smashing each other with their "winning" arguments, **** boys. I think the game is...

  23. Great jokes today, folks! I can't wait to have another laugh tomorrow! =)

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