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Status Replies posted by Cracker

  1. Stormcloak forever.

  2. Um, Imperial is better.

  3. Imperial is the greatest race.

  4. Imperial is the greatest race.

  5. Ptah's IC explanation as to why the "hyper villanous" characters tend to be elves is genius.

  6. burkester is unban but kyne is not -.-

  7. burkester is unban but kyne is not -.-

  8. buying rep points 50 minas each

  9. I've only ever loved one person... You're sister

  10. It is with full confidence that I can state the following, All LotC porn some how relates back to Dark Elves.

  11. no spoilers but that latest GOT episode left a sour taste in my mouth.

  12. Stop locking my posts, I will report you.

  13. RIP charlie. We had a good run

  14. Where did NordLord go?

  15. The empire cant even protect it's own capital, what stops the dominion from taking Skyrim? Nords!

  16. What the Stormcloaks like to forget is that the Empire is the only thing keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim.

  17. If you were to replace Reputation on the forums with something else that you can grant to good posts, what would it be? Cookies, apples, diamonds?

  18. Why is there no downvote button, only upvote?

  19. Who knows what House Reyne is?

  20. 515 users online on the forums... 7 In game :(

  21. Taking a short break from LOTC to work on my exams! (NOT QUITTING!) See you guys in a couple of days!

  22. who will be tyrion's champion....?

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