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Status Replies posted by Cracker

  1. "East Coast best coast" I say as it is goddamn snowing on our first day of spring.

  2. whos gonna be the next king of oren? :(

  3. as an OP donator, i support soulbound weapons and armor!!! as a person capable of thought, i don't.

  4. People QQ over soulbinding because their banned alts don't have donations. Top kek.

  5. Yoooh, it's NiNjAxR3M1Xx here for anyone unfortunate being old enough to remember me. After sorting out some personal issues, I'm probably back for a while at least. If anyone's interested in having my Skype to get back in contact let me know, I just made a new one and it's been 3-4 years since I've interacted with most of y'all.

  6. Yoooh, it's NiNjAxR3M1Xx here for anyone unfortunate being old enough to remember me. After sorting out some personal issues, I'm probably back for a while at least. If anyone's interested in having my Skype to get back in contact let me know, I just made a new one and it's been 3-4 years since I've interacted with most of y'all.

  7. I cant say allahu akbar anymore, guess I'll go into battle saying "God is Greater", Thanks Obama

  8. My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair.

  9. I'm betting money Italian Assassin voted for Renatus

  10. I need car money. grrr.

  11. How long ago was asulon?

  12. Hello, is Dibley there?

  13. Roleplaying? That might be fun, but who doesn't love a good line of cocaine once in a while! Come take a snort of this fine white powder, baby! https://www.google.com/search?q=cocaine&safe=off&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=979&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=k93bVIXLLISaNsW1hOgP&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ

  14. Crackerjack, clear your forum PMs

  15. its ok guys only humans are allowed to roleplay their curses (and still have a broken racial buff) its in the lore dont worry

  16. Why must people try to kill Lorina. She is harmless. All she does is fish and eat cake and have pleasant conversations with strangers.

  17. Someone fix Orc wiki, it went Tythus -> Mog -> Pok -> Gromgok - Gorgul -> Thore, not what is there atm

  18. cuz im up right now and you suck right now

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