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Status Updates posted by Lugmak

  1. Ok...donated...joined server so it activates it...still wont let me join if the server is full...please help?

    1. Dat Burkester

      Dat Burkester

      You need to be in game now to make a donation. /buycraft is the command.

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity
    3. Lugmak


      noo...i donated before, it still lets me make my name more than 18 characters long just wont let me join when its full

  2. Ok...just donated, logged in to activate it, and now it says server full...please help?

  3. ok...live stream OFFLINE

  4. OMG CANT WAIT FOR AEGIS TWO XD going to be so fun playing as my new character "Lugmak"

  5. Prototype live action trailer :O

    1. Ever


      LA trailers for videogames. Because this has ALWAYS vbeen a good idea.

  6. really they should be expanding the player slots... :| theres like 267/250

  7. seriously, i better get my donater perks fixed, i have mod requested it, logged into the server to activate it, waited a day for them to activate, but still wont let me log in when the servers full. anybody know what might be happinging?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wretched


      Contact Shift, he is sorting a few out. Loads of people have had this problem.

    3. blindmind


      I don't know, but it sounds like an unfortunate situation. Maybe some people are lying and say they donated in hopes of tricking gm's, or something.

    4. Lugmak


      no i posted shift with the email i got, so hopefully that will get me VIP :P just have to wait for native to get on :D

  8. server down :( :( :( :(

  9. servers up everyone!

  10. So annoying, cant get onto lord of the craft becasue i have 1.1 :( anyone got a downgrader for mac?

    1. Volutional


      I'm not sure if vaq's is for mac...

    2. Lugmak


      no it doesnt :(

  11. so boring, HOLE day at school doing MATHS AND GEOGRAPHY! but now i can play some Lotc :D

  12. so fricken annoying when it says "249/250" and then you quickly click the server and then join server, but then it says server full :(

    1. Lykos


      I refreshed it till' it was at 243/250, yet still full.

  13. thank you for unbanning me :D (well if it was you who unbanned me :P)

  14. to get my exe skill up im gunna need a...

  15. Wants a VA but cant be bothered to write one, also i dont know what to do it about, im most likley going to do it to be able to become a orc officer, any body help?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dretus


      Sure Ill help

    3. Slic3man


      Besides that, your character is still considered new and i don't think you would be getting a officer rank for awhile. I'm such a dream killer today...

    4. Lugmak


      no i just want one to get to be an orc officer, i just need some help writting it, if that isnt against the rules

  16. wants some snow......right......now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoakimVonAnka


      Lugmak, you can have some from Sweden. We have more than enough.

    3. realslimshady


      NY feels like spring already D:



      Ohio has been spring the whole winter...

  17. watching the yogscast

  18. were do you get the code if you have donated?

  19. were is the orc camp? followed the road and leads to no where :(

  20. what are these mori things people are talking about? i have heard of them many times but havent found anything about them, apperently its a new race or laungenge or something?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      is a suprise, young padawan.

    3. Appeals.


      click on caverns of Menorcress in the role play section, then read.

    4. Lugmak


      ok :D cant wait till 2.0! (dont know how many times i have said that!)

  21. whats the point in having a player cap on an rp server?

  22. whenever i try and log into the server i always shout "FOS RU DAH" to try and get it to get me to join the server...never works though :(

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