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Status Replies posted by Anderssn

  1. Can anyone make me a female Snow Elf Skin? I will msg you the Details.

  2. Anyone here that can help me with a skin?

  3. http://tinyurl.com/lzhlq6f what desktop would be good for gaming?
  4. snow, snow, go away...

  5. Well, I've got 666 posts...

  6. http://gyazo.com/a3c60f58b58b658d816c2a29c1826716.png admens dis is bna repot on knox he is meanie and spedhckr ban pls
  7. Can someone explain to me how a character becomes a Priest Healer? It seems you are blessed by your god/patrons? What makes your character special from the dozens of other characters who pray constantly?

  8. A Harbinger rolls over Malinor.

  9. A Harbinger rolls over Malinor.

  10. I see people with these 3d arts of their Minecraft character leaning on a cow or grabbing a wand, how do I do that?

  11. Does anyone know how to put images on the forums without an image hosting site like imgur? I've seen people do it, but it never seems to work for me

  12. I'm sorry murica I can't hear you over the sound of our women's hockey gold ;)

  13. tumblr made a great guide on how weapons are carried on a body and what some weapons do! so i though i would link it! could be handy for rp :) http://lotteje13.tumblr.com/post/77315662391/cassherns-wrath-so-im-not-sure-what-to-call

  14. New skin done in 30 minutes. First time shading white so be honest - Front : http://gyazo.com/07aa4c574835972d1ccf0eafeb04adbb and back : http://gyazo.com/a82d83dad4f8cf5c90c1d7e4b6bdcae2

  15. Dear god that lag....me and Shaco ended up being the only ones left on our team, ziggs on the other. As MF I went to the base, quickly took out everying, and with shaco we finished the game!

  16. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who won the novella competition?

  17. Go google 'zerg rush'

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