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Status Updates posted by Skippy

  1. dawdbwafiauwbfaiufbawuyfvawyufbawuifbauiwfbiuabfuiwabuwfbuwbfuaiowfgeioamaoixaopwmdiwaonfiwaohbfiaowmfawoicnowaibfwafwaubfwwaomxwaifdnawiofbiwoafndaiwdsmawoidnwaiofbauwdnaiowmfaioenfioawndfioawnfioawnfiwnfiwnafiowbfumxopawmoibfwiouamcxo0iawnfiowa cioawndfioawbfouaiwdnwaodnaiowufbwioadnwaiofbwaiondfaiofbaiofnbiowabfiowabfiwaofbawiofbiawcmioawnuibfuiawncoabiowbwaiufbioaniowbawiobfwaiofbwaiofbawio...

  2. I hate the -1 button.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      You know what the -1 button needs? A -1 button.

    3. 154684321654951


      And then that button should have a +1 button...

    4. Cappy


      If it actually made any difference, it would be disabled.

  3. It's Monday, Monday, gotta get down on Monday~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Distuth


      I'm going to kill you. Slowly. Painfully.

    3. Dyn


      I hope you go to the fires.

    4. K'orr/Kungg <3

      K'orr/Kungg <3

      'Gotta get up on Monday.. unfortunately.' </3

  4. Hey, can you link me that texure pack you mentioned yesterday? I wanna use it :]

  5. My computer screen broke :/

    1. Gwonam_Blaze
    2. Thrym


      *slides away from the window where he threw the rock from.*

      On a serious note. That sucks, sorry dude

  6. I'm sorry for what has happened to you, friend. Hope to see you back on LotC soon :)

  7. Auv, that was cheap :| I COULDN'T FIGHT BACK /rant :(

  8. I don't think CPU_Easy should've gotten that job. He had just joined the dwarves, no one knows him, and he got the job. Without warning, basically. I don't want another Tarion person.

  9. *Flys away to school.*

    1. Arkelos


      -reports for flyhacking-

  10. We are creative, just different.

  11. derpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderp

  12. Sometimes I don't want to copy someone else's status word for word and see if they notice.

  13. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiebe

  14. Don't see why Ben's topic needed locking, but okay...

  15. mehmehmehmuhmuhmuh lulz

  16. Two of mah buds left the server. q_q

  17. ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶

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