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Status Updates posted by Chrisdena

  1. Oh hello there.

    1. Amorphbutt


      I will eat your heart and destroy your soul. - A Hello from Ionmaster

    2. Chrisdena


      Before you touch my soul or my heart. Aeriel casts, "Insta Kill" on you~

  2. Get on for just one minute. And someone points at me and screams Ascended... Really people... Metagame much?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Are you wearing your robes? And, don't forget, there's a chance they remember that you were an Ascended.

    3. Cyndikate


      Welcome to my world.

    4. Chrisdena


      Chrisdena is currently not wearing her robes. And also due to time from Aegis to now, her hair is darker.

  3. I miss playing as the Ender Dragon and burning up the Australians and their ship.

  4. Elves vs Dwarves, this might be one sided.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lord_Sauron_


      Wait. What. Elves vs Dwarves? Hmmm... This could play into the hands of certain elves. A defeat at the hands of outsiders may be the push needed to change things... But it would be tricky, very tricky...

    3. Shadeleaf


      Malinor is not at war with the dwarves -_-

    4. Lord_Sauron_


      Well, there goes that. Back to the revolution pl - er, reform.

  5. So many people leaving, and I just got back on. :(

  6. I has a headache again... Ugh...

    1. Lym


      Aspirin works wonders.

    2. Bethykinss


      I know how you feel :(

  7. I helped make $42,000 to Child's Play. It feels good even with this headache and comatose side effects.

  8. Woot! http://minecraftmarathon.org is on today! I shall be there, playing Minecraft FOR THE CHILDREN!

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      Think fo the adults Chrisdena! The poor helpless adults!

    2. Chrisdena


      But the money we're raising is for sick children in hospitals to have a ds to play with while dealing with their illness.

    3. gingernut97
  9. Going to be at the Minecraft Marathon this weekend. With a somewhat edited skin of Chrisdena.

  10. Drinking some butter rum, and roleplaying. You should get on and roleplay too~

  11. Got laid off in real life... Bah. means I can play LOTC again.~

    1. Sairia


      Who are you again?

    2. Chrisdena


      Chrisdena Silverfeather, High Priestess of the Ascended.

  12. I'll be working 12 hrs a day for the next two weeks... No roleplaying for me.

  13. Server decided it's Derpyday.

  14. I'm not Whitelisted anymore T_T

    1. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      better sort that out quick smart

    2. Chrisdena


      Well I still have my approved application in the archive.

  15. Work and more work.... So takes away all my free roleplaying time.

    1. Bircalin


      Take a break and have some ice-cream, yummy.

  16. Happy new years everyone~

    1. Bircalin


      Happy new years <3

    2. Guest


      Happy new years, glad to see you came back for us <3 Even if yu nu stay.

    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Happy new yearssss! :D

  17. Happy new year, everyone~

  18. I've step down as Game Mistress. :x

  19. More poetry to share. Enjoy~

    1. V0idsoldier


      You inspired me to post my own~ Thank you kindly, yours was very lovely.

  20. Now to show one of my hidden talents... My Poetry.

  21. It's time for sleep, the quest to find work continues.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda knows you will do well, have confidence in yourself!

    2. Divinus


      You're from Cali, start growing.

  22. Yawn~ Now to watch some Polar Bear Cafe. :3

  23. It's my birthday, yay~

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      Merry chri- Oh wait... Happy St- Ah right... Happy ea- no wait. Right! Merry St Birthmas day...close enough.

    3. ryno2


      -snuggles Chrissy- Happy B-day~

    4. Chrisdena


      Thankies everyone.

  24. Chrisdena has been away do to finding work. Sorry for not being on, everyone!

    1. Guest


      Did chridena find work? :3

    2. Guest


      Did chridena find work? :3

  25. Sorry everyone for not being on. Chrisdena has been very sick for the last two weeks :x

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 0000


      Hope you're feeling much better!

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda may have found some one who talks just like her! Panda approves!

    4. ryno2


      You need another snuggle from ol' Milo, Chrissy?

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