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Status Updates posted by RK9ify

    1. Lark


      Black magics

    2. Koger


      What witch craft is this? Burn the witch!

  1. http://gyazo.com/54d95cfcf7df8cb53cb8d17df589a220 My most favorite signature ever.
    1. bickando


      When something is your favorite, it is technically already your "most favorite". :D

    2. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      topk3k. Rk9 oh stop it you :333

  2. http://gyazo.com/a67cb602eb3dc95edf906a1be2a3cce0 I've been waiting 2 days for someone to notice this. A new player application posted in the AT staff application forum? xD
    1. Sky


      .-. need to fix.

  3. I can't stop laughing.
  4. If I come back, I risk getting shitty grades at school again.

    LotC or school?

    LotC... or school?

  5. *insert something funny here*

  6. #hott4pot Wait... No, I meant #hott4frott Yeah... I ain't no stoner...

  7. ╰_╯\(^o^)/⊙﹏⊙•﹏•(~>__﹏

  8. 1 post away from 300. :3

  9. 3 days before school starts again. Now is the time to start my homework!

  10. 6 hours server... 6 HOURS... I NEED LOTC... NOW!

    1. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      Pretty sure the severs up, lol.

  11. Am I the only one here who actually liked Anthos, before The Fringe and everything?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stevie


      i loved the fringe kingdom of kaedrin never 5get!

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      It was better than temp and halfway maps

    4. Stevie


      idk why you all hate on anthos best times of my life besides asulon

  12. Am I the only one here who doesn't understand what Gaius is saying more than 80% of the time on the forums? I feel stupid when I read his posts. Like, dayum, that english tho.

    1. Nug


      its rly deep and u gotta be cool to understand it

    2. Kim


      Yeah that's what I call literate... I have to re-read stuff 50 times!!

    3. AGiantPie


      >tfw gaius' bullshits it all.

  13. Another server crash? :/

  14. Coffee > Tea Come at me.

    1. Sythan


      Soy Milk > Chocolate Milk

    2. monkeypoacher


      I'm with you on that one, RK.

    3. Harri
  15. Did you all miss me? Of course you did!

  16. Everyone complaining about snow and I'm just here like, "It's getting kinda hot, now."

  17. For a dwarf, unicorns sure do look like flying monkeys!

  18. For dem Oblivion lovers, yo.

  19. gdawg y u do dis

  20. Hello people! I posted an AT application a month ago, and would really appreciate if you guys checked it out, and left some feedback! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/108010-rk9ifys-application-team-application/ Have a good day! :D

  21. Hey guys! I just posted an AT application! I would appreciate if you guys checked it out and left some feedback! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/108010-rk9ifys-application-team-application/

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