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Status Replies posted by Lark

  1. idea for a post let's go team

  2. *Salutes for Lark* "It was a honor, ser!"

  3. *Salutes for Lark* "It was a honor, ser!"

  4. Is Lark not a GM anymore?

  5. I miss Athera.

  6. A GM double posting! Shame Lark... Shame...

  7. I'm sorry I let you down Cryojax ):

  8. I'm thirsty

  9. I'm thirsty

  10. And sometimes you just want to go to a place where everybody knows your name.

  11. Gonna get back into Hearthstone. Any class suggestions?

  12. I need to find people to talk about dcau with....

  13. Name a good MMO to play.

  14. Must say, not impressed by the Ooc reactions to Rping being offended by rainbow hair colors.

  15. Everytime I see a first post I shed a tear

  16. Lark makes meh cry! D:


  18. GM of Ultimate Evil here, Thoughts or Ideas on naming ideas? Instead of donator perk, How about a simple form to fill out so we can monitor the amount of named items we have and keep track of who has what? Any other ideas are appreciated

    1. Lark


      Of course space, mien friend, ja, will nien be gestapo, ja.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  19. GM of Ultimate Evil here, Thoughts or Ideas on naming ideas? Instead of donator perk, How about a simple form to fill out so we can monitor the amount of named items we have and keep track of who has what? Any other ideas are appreciated

    1. Lark


      Right now, the only way for people to get named items is through events of sorts or as a donator perk. But its a pretty silly donator perk, but we also need to keep track of who has what, what it is, etc. Hence a small form.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  20. GM of Ultimate Evil here, Thoughts or Ideas on naming ideas? Instead of donator perk, How about a simple form to fill out so we can monitor the amount of named items we have and keep track of who has what? Any other ideas are appreciated

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