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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Lark

  1. Why is the RP in the human capital so awful

  2. Dwarf or Orc go!

  3. If someone builds a super ugly thing on an Island that's 'yours' in RP, and you tear it down, and leave some signs explaining what happened, is that bannable?

  4. New cartoon network is such a mixed bag of good and bad shows tbh....

  5. Girlfriend is going to Austria in two months. Might be there for four months or more. I'm feeling pretty bad now. What do?

  6. I'd just to make a quick note that I am currently taking a break from the Event Team. I'd like to think I did great and put good effort and I am burned out. I need to rest up and slough away the dead creative slag. I'll be back soon and do not worry, I've got folks to play the Phoenix and the Simorgh.

  7. I can't wait! I asked already two LM's about allowing my character, Marcy! To get the IMP Parasite! heh! wish me luck.

  8. I have become quite the proficient bounty hunter on Elite Dangerous! Slowly taking out larger and larger targets. I advise all combat sim players to keep an eye on this game as I believe it will be one of a kind (Bar Star citizen) And will be a good purchase.

  9. If you like cute, I made these: http://imgur.com/a/7ApPJ

  10. how much guck can a cuckhold suck?

  11. why was there an ooc island in game to begin with? That's ridiculous


  13. What if XP was also given for every year a person ages through autoage..? And they can choose what skill to increase with each year..?

  14. prove yuoer smithing skills by smithin me up a good 5 stars!!

  15. Locking my status makes me feel powerful.

  16. I've made a strict policy on characters that don't progress. If they don't progress to something meaningful in a month, they get PK'd.

  17. Bad news: I don't have a job! Good news: At least I don't work at McDonalds.

  18. Was gone for two days and the resource islands camps were going to be removed then kept. And why do I still hear fireworks? Halp

  19. please r8 my profile so my parents will lov me!1

  20. Was gone for two days and the resource islands camps were going to be removed then kept. And why do I still hear fireworks? Halp

  21. please r8 my profile so my parents will lov me!1

  22. Got a bit too peeved. Camps will not be removed. They will be regioned and I'm hunting the people who took workstations down.

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