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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Swgrclan

  1. ur jus jeliy cuase i get 2 wehere loncloths an b wit the ladys

  2. Vor's corpse was not invited to the wedding?!

    *Flips table*

  3. Like that time when I beat yo 100 stealth/wrasslin' ass at the docks? Ye. :V

  4. It seems when I install MPM, none of the color-code things I add to my skin to edit their height and do not effect my model. However, I can see other people and the edits they've made to their height. Any suggestion or anything I've missed?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Swgrclan


      Ah, I've seemed to fix it. Disregard.

    3. Fid


      I had the same problem!I had a friend of mine fix my skin, though, and it worked perfectly.

    4. Swgrclan


      I've seemed to fix it, thanks for the suggestions.

  5. *Flexes new app team title*

    1. Glyc
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I voted for you ^_^

    3. Elfen_


      *Is disappointed in Swgr*

  6. Are bandages glitched? I leveled my herbalism skill up to 10, and made some bandages. And when I use them they do not work. :x

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blindmind


      They can take a very, very long time for you to actually see their effects, it seems. You could bandage and then run around for a while, and then realize your health has been restored some.

    3. Ivran


      I don't think they work. >.>

    4. Zayden (Znes6)

      Zayden (Znes6)

      Getting the same problem, like "dafuq?"

  7. Diamond sword creation chances need to be buffed. A bunch.

    1. Necro (Darion)

      Necro (Darion)

      All weapon creation needs buffed!

  8. How does a half-breed human community with legion/roman-like culture sound like? Like a militaristic type of human culture. And by legion I mean something similar to the New Vegas type of Legion. Without guns and so on, of course. But just generally a harsh, militaristic community of humans and half-elves. Give complete opinions.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swgrclan


      I see. I'll try to write

      something more elaborate than simply "legion-like".

      Thank you.

    3. ryno2


      if you're going to make a legion, make the legion of doom

    4. MonkeyCoffee

  10. The skin shop went better than expected, thank you for your requests guys! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swgrclan


      You're banned from my shop, Philip. Get out! >:V

    3. Phibbup


      it was worth it.


    4. Antharin


      I can't stop laughing.

  11. I've noticed that Goldrim's villain applications were pretty much the only ones I truly enjoyed reading. He brings a loud of unqiueness into his characters and plays them damn well.

    1. V0idsoldier


      Thanks *Busts out in tears.*

    2. Areon


      That hurts. . .

    3. Swgrclan



      Only ones including you

      guise. Totally. <3

  12. whats this dirty talk you got goin on with Italian man, gonna have to castrate you or sumtin

  13. I dunno man. I think Skippy is fatter than Austin.

  14. Bbbbrrrroooooo.


  15. omg ur so ded its not evn funy noob

  16. ooohhhh gonna beet u up so bad boy

  17. Vor has been killed temporarily and Xemn'Vus in his comatose, both of them becoming temporarily killed off in a matter of two days. Oh my. :V

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jhaax


      Serves you right for taking my tongue >:/

    3. ryno2


      @jhaax he stole my first chance at an IC relationship...truce?

    4. Swgrclan
  18. If you say so. He owes me money though, he lost a bet on that tussle in Aegis wit' dem humies and the lady dwarf and her dark elf side-kick.

  19. I'm going to beat up that Hord guy, wanna join in?

  20. R.I.P Maple, one of two best chinchallas/pets ever. ;~;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ever


      >: Is never good losin' a pet.

    3. 154684321654951


      ; . ;

      I love chinchillas, they're so cute and fluffy and sands.

    4. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      I'm sure Maple will have a good time in the next life with all of our dearest pets! Don't feel sad, be happy that she has left behind the woes of this world and is in the next having a brand new adventure and fun with all those others that have traveled on as well!

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