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Status Updates posted by racingbrother

  1. I think LoTC should move to another platform, such as club penguin.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. racingbrother


      @V0idsoldier, what a kawaii idea!~~~ :3

    3. ryno2
    4. monkeypoacher


      yes clearly lord of the craft on club penguin

  2. I was a human too long. I bought land in Alras, and found myself involuntarily making a human shop/inn...

    1. Sultan


      You should of asked me about land I would have soled you a inn/s

      hop farely cheep, and Im sure i would make money as we love to drink

  3. I'm now a tree puncher!!

  4. I'm still stookin' uuuuu

  5. If an FM sees this, could they send me a PM? I need a bit of help.

  6. If my title on the forums is every changed, I believe I would like "The Carrot Impostor"

    1. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      SO MUCH WIN. also I got your 2000th profile view o.o

    2. racingbrother


      Lulz, 1,999 were all me

  7. Just got spacers, next week I get braces. Do they hurt>

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Austin


      Mine hurt like hell for the first week then tightening you experiance it all over again. Good luck braces are worth it.

    3. VonEbs


      Good luck, they do and still cause pain for me...

    4. Braxis


      Depends if you get somthing that is a U shaped once you get braces and its pink or somthing and you bite is after a bit once you get it you get used to the pain pretty fast and then your good as long you do it once you get them/once they get tightned once a month

  8. lol I'm a Kharajyr I've been looking all around for you. (I came back like idk, a week ago)

  9. Meh gusta, I now haz excellent reputation. Tanks errbody

  10. My avatar isn't a picture of my dog, it's a picture of me. I told you I have no soul


  12. New Years Resolution: Make planking popular again

    1. Arbrek the Ancient
    2. Ever
    3. ScreamingDingo


      Nope this is what happened to planking....


  13. Newest Alras citizen/First Orcish citzen in Asulon Alras

  14. O,O I'm watching you, Westy

  15. Oh, you are sadly mistaken friend... I ONLY WHERE THE TIGHTEST OF TIGHT PANTS!

  16. Old hat here... GAH MEH BACK

  17. Orcish role play is a hole new aproach for me. And honestly, I love it more than when i was a human

  18. sometimes I lay on the ground, roll around, and pretend to be a carrot

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MediocreGamer


      you ever get that feel like you wanna just go to your neighbors garden, lay down, and pretend you're a carrot?

    3. Hylian the Heretic
    4. racingbrother
  19. Sometimes when I'm reeeeeal bored, I lie down in my neighbor's garden, roll around, and pretend I'm a carrot

  20. swgrclan has no swgr. He is just clan. A clan of dork. His name should be dorkclan.

  21. The last thing I do before I leave, Throdo, is tell you I lurv you. Thanks being a great friend since the first day I joined as a wandering soul.

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