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Everything posted by Jistuma

  1. Just a warning, there is lore for Deus Proditor from before Athera. This might not fit with it, even might not have been a desert before.
  2. Please place more detail on the lore. A single paragraph will not be accepted.
  3. This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.
  4. Moved to denied as requested. You may submit once more at any time. If I misunderstood and the thread wasn't to be removed, just send me a PM to move it back.
  5. This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.
  6. This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.
  7. I'm sorry to say that this lore is Denied. If you really wish for a new race to have any chance of being accepted, it will have to be very freshed up and original. If you want to have a new creature that is playable, you will have to do the same. Take a look at the implemented lore for creatures to get the hang of what is needed to be written to have the lore accepted.
  8. Triumvirate are AengulDaemons. Just if they are Daemons or Aenguls isn't specified, because that doesn't really matter much.
  9. Alright, so what we mean is that some changes to the main post need to be made. I'll try and help you out. First off, clicking the edit button then the "Use full Editor" you can change the name of the thread. We would like you to remove the nickname so that IC names stay IC. If they are called Ent's Children OOC'ly they will be confused with actual Ent Children (which don't exist). I know you want to keep it IC, but IC players will find their own names (Plantman is normal for example). As such, we would appreciate if you removed the name "Ent's Children" from the main post, even if it's only suppose to be an IC thing. IC they will find a name for the creature and use it. I'll quote the places where it's used, since it's only used twice in the whole lore: And that's it on the name stuff. Probably better to remove the whole two paragraphs of "What do we call them?" or change it to say they might go by many names. We mention this because of this paragraph: Alright, so you say they have a hard time becoming scholars, enchanters and alchemists, and you say they can learn magic, but not enchanting. I can see what the problem of understanding is, enchanting IS a magic, but then there is the profession Enchanting, which might or might not be rp'ed as magic. Either way, if they can't be scholars, they can't be arcane mages, because arcane mages (evocation, illusion, etc) requires a thorough understanding of the world. Necromancy, Soul puppetry, Contract magic, blood magic, runesmithing also require great understanding, so wouldn't be able to be learnt as well. In the end, you have to decide if you want them able to learn Holy magic, Shaman magic and Druid magic or not (and turn Frost Witch? That would be weird... probably wouldn't work.) You just need to change the paragraph to say that better then, it seems you say that they can communicate with nature without being attuned (meaning without learning druid magic). Probably best to just remove the paragraph and state that any Deity magic can or can't be learnt as a Bryophite (This means Shaman, Druid and Cleric/Ascended/Xan/Monk). If you're wandering why, it's because since they are plants now, they would have different... lifeforce... it's just weird. We're just saying to change those parts so that we don't have to fix it if problems about that show up... has happened many times before. Also, I believe that I stated the problems and solutions correctly, if not, Pandan will yell at me and tell you in more detail the changes that need done in the lore.
  10. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/New+Player+Guide: 1416 - Escape from Asulon, journey through Elysium and Kalos, entrance into Anthos. 1457 - Flood of Anthos, entrance into the Fringe. 1465 - Escape from Fringe and entrance into Thales. 1468 - Escape from Thales, entrance into Athera. ~1508 - Present year. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/Arcane+Magic: - Auras: Auras are a side-effect from the Void, and is deeply personal to mage's. An Aura directly reflects a mages personality through it's color, which will be listed below this section. Aura is generated from the mana pool regularly, and if a mage uses large amounts of mana at once for spells, they in turn produce more aura. Imagine a fire; the more wood you put on it, the more smoke is formed. Much like this fire, the mana pool can generate more aura depending on how much mana you're using at a given time. Auras are generally harmless and are simply a way of self expression. Some magics such as Arcane Evocation, Alteration, and Shade are directly tied to Auras, and are heavily effected by them. Auras are able to be openly role-played without being Lore breaking, so feel free to get interesting with it. Blue: Calculatedness and logicality (Sometimes emotional coldness) Purple: Mysteriousness White: Benevolence, order and innocence. Brown: Nurturing and caring Yellow: Greed (Sometimes optimism) Red: Dominance, power and control (Sometimes tyrannical natures) Green: Harmony and balance (Sometimes vanity). Black: Chaos and malevolence.
  11. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/127107-your-thoughts-new-crafting-recipes/ added a few more and still would like feedback and a lot more ideas, can be for any craft and doesn't have to be weapons.
  12. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/127107-your-thoughts-new-crafting-recipes/ Trying to make a new list of recipes to add, to all crafts this time. Any help with ideas and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  13. 1. Theoretically speaking, can reverse tether be useful in alchemy? Theoretically yes, if it'll have any interesting effects, that's another story. 2. Can I post Ikuras lore on the forums with a 'needs to be reviewed' stamp already? The lore has been sent to us already, taking a while to be read since there are a lot of them, but it's being talked about. We'll come in contact. 3. Doesn't D-Itharel lore contradict what was said about hidden lore? We have the lore, so it doesn't contradict the thing about hidden lore, since it's written down and we have it. 4. What does arcane evocation taste like? How about shade sludge? Tastes of death! I think there was once a lore about that, I don't think it was accepted. Should be up to the players in question I guess. 6. Have all the Athera lore tomes and books been found yet? I think so. You're asking because not all are on the wiki and other place I assume. I'll check what's missing. 7. Do you think that LotC should lean towards fantasy or realism when it comes down to lore? Realism of fantasy =P. Think about what would fit in the fantasy and write lore for it. 8. Have any of the canon animals in the lore gone extinct? Are the same animals in both realms? A few no longer exist, but most do. It's accepted lore, and we don't want to just remove all creatures that might be rp'ed just because the map is changed.
  14. As the sprinkling of netherrack dust is added to the hot molten metal, huge flames arise from it. Throughout the forging of the blade, the metal worker would have to deal with the high flames until the metal is finally forcifully cooled down, since it would still be aflame. The result would be a darkish red metal with rough texture. Tests would suggest it's a bit more brittle than normal steel, bits breaking off if an impact is high. The tests with fire would result just as expected, the metal would ignite, and quickly heat up. While using protective paddings might aid in not losing an arm, the heat of the flames would also affect the rest of the body, including face and torso. It's use for armor falls to rubish with the effect of the metal when heatted up being even more brittle, shards of the armor being easily broken off by small hits. This makes weapons with the metal highly unlikely as well, as a single hit with a flaming weapon could maybe break the metal in two. Other uses do exist, and might be interesting to make. Using the metal as a top of a torch could make a long lasting fire, and being able to more easily give shape to the ore by mixing it with the metal can make fantastic pieces of art.
  15. Btw guys, the cooking recipes are fixed, you can do all those that appear now. A few are missing though, I'll get to work on that.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      Where is my golden apple recipe........................................

    3. Rethai


      Thanks Jistuma!!

    4. Destroyer_Bravo


      goldapple pls.

      pls return

  16. Contact us please. We don't even really know who wrote what lore and who just wants to add things to it, and so on. Anyone can add me in skype, it's Jistuma.
  17. Not really angry at anything, just answering questions. I've even offered two alternatives for the problem this has caused. As for Swrg's lore, I wouldn't see it being accepted. Not because of it connecting the worlds, but did you read it? It had people able to talk to past and future people that were traveling the same place for example.
  18. Sorry was in the bath. First off, this did happened to the elves before, about the same thing, they ran to another continent and then returned and guess what? The entire continent wasn't accepted. This isn't Humans only. As for the list: The two worlds would be connected for a long long long long time already. Problems with that include.... Iblees would be able to head to Asulon, Anthos, and everything in between after a short stay in Aegis, or he could just follow them there after the people escaped. Characters would have been able to return to Aegis in Asulon's and Anthos' times, and trust me, they would, even if Iblees was there. Setherien could have gone there without having to be a **** to whole Anthos, since that was the major reason he wanted to go to the Fringe (the portal to the other world that was innactive but able to be activated). The fact that the world left behind, are worlds left behind. It's called progression of story. It's the world lore. As long as you don't say that your standard is the OOC correct one, no one can ban you as Cyndikate said, it's just a story. And ye, we can't PK the characters.
  19. Well, it screws up lore, a lot. Like a LOT. On the other hand, something else humans can also say. Since Aeldin is told to be so big, maybe they find a new land and think it's another side of Aeldin.
  20. Means they aren't actually there. If that place is for many players just a spot to story their character while they aren't playing them, then they can just say they were somewhere else. Also no matter what we tell you that your character can no longer go to Aeldin or come from it, nothing stops you from lying IC and then no one will ever know IC. I still don't understand why players simply don't use the "it's a story" loophole... It's so simple and effective...
    1. Lima


      The harcore events proposal is actually the LT's job. You need to advocate for it in the chat.

    2. Lima


      I mean, I understand its work but the server is only in this perpetual PVP state due to a lack of interesting lore events.

  21. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/125364-warclaim-app/ someone comment, please? I know there is the VA stuff, but war stuff is important as well.
  22. Jistuma


    Thanhium is a horrible thing to use, it cools down stuff. Also, it's not a metal.
  23. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123220-war-rules/ Are those correct, or are only the others correct? - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123960-war-rules/ Also, where are players getting a sort of 'app' for the warclaims? (the way all warclaims are done saying the sides, the date, etc.)
    1. Jistuma


      Scratch that, both rules seem to be the same, though where's the thingy to make they warclaim post?

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