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Everything posted by Jistuma

  1. Need some help guys, could you tell me the names of... Every town on the server! No really... High elves city, Wood elves is Cerulin I know that one, Dark elves, no idea. Dwarves capital is? And what other towns of dwarves are there? Orcs capital is named? What are the 3-4 most populous human towns? What sort of city is Salvus (human, elf, dwarf, or a mix?)? What's the name of halfling's town?

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Samler


      The High Elven City once had a vote for it's name but nothing was decided.

    3. Ilikefooddude


      The current Orcish 'capital' is the Trog. San'Vitar was destroyed a few weeks ago.

    4. KarmaDelta


      The Dwarven capital is Kal'Karaad.

  2. Yup. Also remember to check if your text becomes black when copying from another place to the forums (happens a lot). Your's did, and it's quite hard to read.
  3. ((someone mentioned potions in this, so I just want to say that there was a bug that allowed obtaining MC potions (the ones without drawbacks). I assume they are against the rules to use (in the server as a whole, not only in this warclaim).))
  4. Three days left to give your unwritten lore or hidden lore to Lore Masters. Take a look there as well because we might need some other lore as well. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124371-warning-at-hidden-and-non-written-lore/

    1. MamaBearJade


      Jistuma means "Its due on the 11th"

    2. Pandan


      It's actually supposed to be tomorrow.

    3. ski_king3


      I mentioned this in the newsletter :)

  5. Just a few days left to give your unwritten lore or hidden lore to Lore Masters. Take a look there as well because we might need some other lore as well. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124371-warning-at-hidden-and-non-written-lore/

  6. 1 week left to give your unwritten lore or hidden lore to Lore Masters. Take a look there as well because we might need some other lore as well. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124371-warning-at-hidden-and-non-written-lore/

    1. Arkelos


      Just about done. Had to tap into the brains of other dread lords. lol

    2. Jistuma


      You still use skype?

  7. This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.
  8. I'm sorry to say that this lore has been Denied. There are multiple reasons for denial of this lore. One of the first reasons is how a golem is created. The runes on the body and core have never been fully understood. The golem makers know they have to place the correct runes on the correct spots and do them right then something happens and the golem can move. The fact that the steam golem doesn't do that means that the golem would not be able to move. The advancement of the technology in LOTC doesn't follow the IRL equivalent but there is a limit on how much something can evolve in terms of techonology. You have not only adapted a machine which does not work outside of a place without constant supply of water (the sea), but also added independent movements (it's not just a propeler moving, it's arms, head, legs, hands, mouth, torso, etc), automation (controling of the different independent movements), the implementation of magical valves and bendable tubes, the removal of explosion risk (which was huge in steam boats), and the ability to move a lot of weight of steel. It flows out of the setting of the server. The fantasy setting of the server does accept a little steam punk, but a robot movable by steam is a bit too out of it. Accepting this also would enable the creation of many other things which would make steam punk stuff just almost auto accept. I mean, how can we accept a steam robot and deny steam lifts, trains, mining machines, and so on? And in the end, an iron steam golem is just a golem in the end. The differences between them are simply an overpowered golem (it has a protected core inside an armor of an inch of steel) with no differences besides the material used in it's building and the fact that it moves with steam instead of with magic.
  9. 1 week left to give your unwritten lore or hidden lore to Lore Masters. Take a look there as well because we might need some other lore as well. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124371-warning-at-hidden-and-non-written-lore/

    1. Arkelos


      hard to do it when the author of your group wont even respond to skype or forum PMs.

  10. A note, the mention of Genus is not accepted lore. As such, that part of the lore remains as unaccepted, but is not enough to deny the rest of the lore. If Genus follows the proper ways of getting accepted, than it will be made part of this lore.
  11. I'm sorry to say that this lore has been Denied. Many parts of the magic may already be done with other magics, and the parts that can't seem far overpowered, such as sending your voice a long distance away, or making the mage minimize sound to hear other sounds better. The way the magic works also doesn't fit very well with how void magic works.
  12. This lore is Denied. www.wowwiki.com/Naga#Society_and_Culture Plagirism is still something you shouldn't do even when you're writing lore.
  13. No matter what I may think, quality of writing and original presentable idea is extremely important. Quality of writing does not mean excessive writing, that normally makes it worse. Lore Masters are people too, and between reading 4 paragraphs of well condensed lore, or reading 12 where we must search all the hay for hidden needles, you'll understand why we perfer the 4 paragraphs. Then of course, it has to not be OP, or have weaknesses that combat the OPness. Golems for example are made of stone, and are very hard to defeat, yet their biggest weakness is that they can't do much without being comanded to. They are bound by their Impera. They can't break lore and must fit into the world. This seems to be ignored many times, expecially in new magics. Many times a lore simply does not fit into the world of LOTC. People try to add, when many times they could just extend on. Either way, all LMs have their tastes and thoughts. That is why we have votes, no matter what one LM thinks, there will be another that thinks diferently. This means the good lore, the lore that most of the LMs like passes through, while the lore that most LMs doesn't like, stays behind.
  14. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/93968-the-golden-pools/ Basicly they are pools of water that stayed in magegold filled caves for over millenia. The pools are rather magical in that sense. They make the skin more light, as well as the hair, and slowly remove scars and make mental changes. Of course this takes a long time to happen. They don't make refined gold. Those were NOT golden polls, and the lore for the explosion was changed to make more sense. Everything you stated was done by BNK without him really knowing what Golden Polls were. They don't rot, they don't explode, they take centuries to change an elf into a high elf.
  15. Still does? I thought I changed that. Thanks! Edit: I did make the changes before, where does it say you can learn it by yourself?
  16. New thread since we're compiling Magic and Alchemy Q/A into the same thread. R&D and Investigation being compiled as well Current Lore masters: - Lore Admin Tsuyose - Lore Team Lead Supremacyops - Lore Masters hellfiazz Pandann Tsuyose Ski_king3 Dizzy771 Birdwhisperer - Lore Keepers BoogerBuster 501warhead Kalamoot Any questions you have about lore, of any kind, be it alchemy, history, creature, magic, you can ask in this thread. If you are doing an investigation IC, you can place the roleplay you did in here, and we will respond what happens.
  17. Lich lore updated and moved to implemented. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/99783-playable-the-third-generation-lich/ Check out the last post for the changes done.

    1. TavernLich


      -blushes- thanks Jistuma ir Geo, whoever updated it.

  18. Everyone read the thread: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124371-warning-at-hidden-and-non-written-lore/ It concerns lore without actually written lore, and hidden lore.

  19. 1. They aren't taller, they are bigger. They are not only taller, but as well fatter and with more muscle. 2. I have no idea why you would ever think bigger things have improved cerebral agility... You're thinking bigger brain, not bigger body. 3. The dummer part was the drawback for being HUGE. If you don't know, they can be 12 ft tall tanks. 4. Since no one rp'es the disavantages of being huge, they are then going to have to rp being dumb. Hope that helps you understand, I'll try to find the original lore post about them.
  20. I'm not seeing this getting accepted... The thing of Ologs is that they are huge and incredibly stupid. That's about it, it's the drawback of being a super tank, is that they can't think right. This lore gives the removal of the drawback, and gives no other weaknesses or reasons for it to happen. You state that there's a clear drawback, but I just don't see it. It's a magical stone that makes stupid characters smart.
  21. Changes made to the lore after speaking with Geoboy. MAT references removed. A lich needs 3 necromancers to be created. A Lich is not forced to not harm their creators. They have free will and can do whatever they want, it would just be a huge risk to do it. LMs must be contact before a new lich is created (probably best to do it before someone is PK'ed)
  22. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124220-ideas-on-how-warclaims-are-used/ would like to hear more feedback on that,I know some things won't be perfect and want to see if there are problems in it that I didn't imagine while writing.
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