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Status Updates posted by shay

  1. Minions, bring me teh cheese /(._.)\\

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. shay


      Oh, she will definitely do worse things if she doesn't receive that sammich'!

    3. Samler


      Just becouse Sethykins are the cook he haves to make all the sammuch'es? Be a real woman and make that sammich!

    4. shay


      But we ran out of Nutella D:.. and yes. Seth must cook it ALLL!! MWA HAHAHA

  2. I need another character to portray..... any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Badass Imperial Guard

      Badass Imperial Guard

      Non-criminal multiple personality disorded person

    3. Lago


      Golem. Not that we'll be able to build them for a few days.

    4. shay


      Thank you for all the suggestions, they have all helped me in designing a new character! :)

  3. Trying to decide whether I should kill Karmana or not..... :s

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thrym


      Make her mostly dead. Give her a chocolate coated pill made by a guy named Miracle Max when you want her to live :P

    3. Ender_Panda13


      i think it would be awesome that say, a renowned king is killed by an undead, the king's owner can choose wether to RP the undead version of him. I mean, how Horrible would it be to have to kill your previous king that you loved dearly?

    4. shay


      Lol! Well people say chocolate helps, so whats the harm of a chocolate pill? And The renowned king thing would be quite interesting to witness if that actually happened.

  4. Just ran out of Nutella... It's obvious that the end is near.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samoblivion
    3. Samler


      Just get some more nutella.

    4. shay


      But then I have to go to teh citty D:

  5. How do I reset my skill levels :3

    1. Taiga


      Make a /modreq and a GM will be with you shortly~

    2. DrakeHaze.


      If you wish to reset it as Credits you need to pay I think.

    3. shay


      Okay,thank you. :)

  6. Potato, that is all.

    1. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      I eat potato.

      I think potato.

      I AM POTATO.

    2. Evilbanana5757


      Potato you.

      Potato me.

      Potato us all.

    3. NomadGaia


      I say!

      Mr. Potato, is that a diamond potato?

  7. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      ┬──┬◡ ノ(ಥ益ಥノ)

      IT. STAYS. UP.

    2. Tayelikel


      In soviet Russia...desk flip you!!!

  8. who's winning, oren or oren?

    1. HogoBojo


      I think that it’s Oren. 

    2. Milenkhov
  9. "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

  10. I finally got rid of Karmana! c:

  11. Since children can now invent things, I will be expecting a Television installed in to my home per, next week.

  12. Bring me some cheese :U

  13. Cheese is the most delicious food. Ever...Other than pickles... But cheese is still better. Yeah. Bring me some :U

  14. But I look like the first... kinda not really.

  15. But that's okay because I posted more. ha. hahahah. hahaha Make me a sammich.

  16. *Eats teh cheesy goodness :#

  17. Ermahgerd it's teh ninga :U

  18. I sorry, it's teh ninja dawg :U

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