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Status Updates posted by Samler

  1. Good Luck and Have Fun in the warclaim.

  2. Happy Capitalism day. :)


  3. Time to find a new sleeping medicin for my character.

  4. What is up with the server lag?


    1. Shalashask


      Where do you think you are?

    2. Samler


      Lord of the Lag. :)


  5. So now then you go into a new thread, you start at the latest post instead of the one on top or in case of old post, the one you just read?

  6. You guys know what is a shame? No one is playing a performance magician!

    1. kingnothing


      you don't look very hard do you

    2. Samler


      I speak of people like we have in real life, no magical magic, just slight of hand types.

  7. I never expected this lately conflict to help activity amoung the high elves.but we have gained quite the number of new members, maybe it's the promise of PvP?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Activity never really went up until Aesterwald folded and Raptor gathered a few of his crew to the HEs.

    3. LPT


      #1 immerse fcitons server.

    4. Tirenas


      Out of curiosity, how did you look at such statistics? (The ones displayed in the screenshot, I mean.)

  8. The first time I have seen a dragon being compared to Knox and losing.

    1. Swgrclan


      Mental gymnastics win battles, not wars!

  9. I hope people have fun raiding and the lack of quality is only one sided.

  10. I hope we can regain our names and gates after this!

  11. Apparently, war boosts the activity of the war-dislike-nation. A sign from he skygods?!

  12. The server couldn't handle a high elf and four kha joining a fight!

  13. I did buy VIP a long time ago and first now I think about making my forum account actual VIP (I got the title IG), what do I need to do to get mah VIP?

    1. Sporadic


      Ask nicely :D

    2. Sporadic


      specifically here

  14. I get so sad when I see there is over 170 people on the server but everytime I log on, I crash. :/

  15. Ohh well, this crashes has given me the key to get any modreq answered by mods in a flash!.. If they are online, the secret is mine to hold!

  16. Is there something wrong with the server? No one is online and I can't log in.

    1. onm224


      the same for me

    2. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Me neither, idunno.

  17. Is it just me or did the server crash?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samler


      Good. Scared that I left that poor guy alone in the bakery, not knowing my secret yet!

    3. AgentSunny


      kinky secret i bet

    4. Samler


      Not really, but it would be about the baker!

  18. The guy which just died in Malinor by an Enderman to the face, could you PM me to get your stuff back?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bircalin
    3. Cyndikate



    4. Lym


      Lesson learned, do not try and fight an Enderman with leather armor only

  19. A little bit of feed back to the antag after this event, since I don't feel it's big enough for a post.. Please make it a bit more "friend-foe" visable. Got killed by someone and I thought untill PMs after that he was a non-RP-killer, taking advantage of the event. So this is my 5 cent.

    1. Neri
    2. 5678


      Thing is, we had some undercover elements during the battle.

    3. Cyndikate


      I don't want to be meta'd

  20. I might have killed a BNL, is the safe free from crahses forever now? -puppy eyes-

    1. Aislin


      You killed BrandNewLiri?

    2. Samler


      In some kind of event, yes. With many other guys. Not sure who got the last hit since he suddenly putted on God Moad and wrote emotes of him dieing.

  21. Curious, I have been told 3 high elves or so did fight, after the orcs had left 7 was online. I hope the Malinorian elves had fun in that event and did what ever they wished to. +1 to you guys.

  22. #ShiftNative4GM2013

    1. Samler


      Why not? :O

    2. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      #ShiftNative4Admin2013 *

  23. Sold for 750, the prices of Iron might be high yet the prices of golems is low. What is happening to the Anthosian trade?!

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