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Everything posted by Samler

  1. So now then you go into a new thread, you start at the latest post instead of the one on top or in case of old post, the one you just read?

  2. You should be able to use Ctr + F to find any word.
  3. MC Name - samler Character Name - Seth Calith Profession - Breeder Profession Level - I would call myself an adept. Combat Or Magic Training - Magical Skype Username - PMing you IG.
  4. You guys know what is a shame? No one is playing a performance magician!

    1. kingnothing


      you don't look very hard do you

    2. Samler


      I speak of people like we have in real life, no magical magic, just slight of hand types.

  5. OOC Minecraft Username: samler Skype Username: (Optional) x IC Name: Seth Calith. Age: 437. Gender: Male. Race: Mali'aheral, high elf. Clarify on if you are currently skilled in the magical arts, or being taught by someone who is: I was taught a long time ago and continued on my own untill very recently with the new laws regarding magic, I was taught from before Malinor's fall to the Setherin enemy. What affinity of magic are you skilled in? Water Evocation. Do you agree to submit to Orenian Law? Such is the reason you see my application on your desk.
  6. I never expected this lately conflict to help activity amoung the high elves.but we have gained quite the number of new members, maybe it's the promise of PvP?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Activity never really went up until Aesterwald folded and Raptor gathered a few of his crew to the HEs.

    3. LPT


      #1 immerse fcitons server.

    4. Tirenas


      Out of curiosity, how did you look at such statistics? (The ones displayed in the screenshot, I mean.)

  7. Well, maln / aunt could be.. "Maln'onn" or "haelun'onn" as, Father's kin or mother's kin. For son/daughter is simply used as malii, for child. As for grand parents, I guess you could say "Kae'leh maln'leh maln." or something advanced like that!
  8. Moral of the story; If you want hard PvP, play on LoTC. ^
  9. 2 things to note about this guide, you should be carefull about naming other servers if we stillgot that advertise rule (which I think) Secondly, there is a max clicks which MC can detect each second (can't remember it, can ask my PvP Senpai again). Other than that, goodie (yet unexpected) guide.
  10. The first time I have seen a dragon being compared to Knox and losing.

    1. Swgrclan


      Mental gymnastics win battles, not wars!

  11. Been told of former GM Cappy so maaaaaany times that it's only a culture. Back in the days, it was accepted as a culture while the snow elves constantly claimed to be a race. IC, it's all good to call yourself a race but OOC it's just a culture.
  12. Uncle / aunt as the high elves has used it: Maln'onn / Haelun'onn.
  13. Seems chill and edgy at the same time without being too dumb. +1
  14. In all honesty, while I didn't make my oppinion clear at the talk of the enchanter/telekinesis elf; I do like this idea and is all cool with it. +1 for this partly siwwy idea!
  15. Weeeeeeell, back in Tahn'siol (Anthos Haelun'or), a high elf named Silvos invented acid and lost both of his hands, he later replaced them with some sort of silver-hands which he used telekineses to use and even transmutation then he felt like doing a big show.
  16. For Miss Ice, no. Just 'noble'. Laurir. But it was used abotu princesses and princes.
  17. If you want to play a 6 tailed creature that speaks spanish. 1) Become ET. 2) Learn spanish. 3) Log in and roleplay with a fitting skin. I just skimmed it, but ETs can play weird creatures without writing lore to them, unless such was changed last time I looked. Fart magic? Just.. Fart? Bam.. No need to have an actual magic to have a char that thinks he got magical farts, a silly halfling/whatever just managed to generate roleplay!
  18. I hope people have fun raiding and the lack of quality is only one sided.

  19. I hope we can regain our names and gates after this!

  20. Apparently, war boosts the activity of the war-dislike-nation. A sign from he skygods?!

  21. The last rule can easily be walked around by not killing said last defender, reviving just before the guy dies and kill him again and again and again to extend their time. A little fiddling with it would be suggested.
  22. The server couldn't handle a high elf and four kha joining a fight!

  23. I did buy VIP a long time ago and first now I think about making my forum account actual VIP (I got the title IG), what do I need to do to get mah VIP?

    1. Sporadic


      Ask nicely :D

    2. Sporadic


      specifically here

  24. Surely, tho the high elves currently just call them kha or kharajyr. :P
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