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Everything posted by Samler

  1. I will share this post with family members which recently had a daughter. :)
  2. An old elf frowned deeply as he read it. "It was Ante'vuln Lazul and Kolyat Alfakyn which wrote the Dictomy of Lewdness." He corrected the document verbally to anyone which might overhear Seth by the notice board. "But Lucion Sullas did indeed dismiss the same notion in Anthos, which I would had brought up to any of the debates which Usamea failed to meet up to herself." He let out a deep breath of air. "Silvos was corrected and no trial held. Well, let's see how these youngsters will act and react to this summon." The old elf nodded slowly.
  3. Good Luck and Have Fun in the warclaim.

  4. The old wise elf Seth Calith nodded in approvel of reading this. "I will aid him in his path." He said to himself. "Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya."
  5. Well, recently a friend if mine posted this. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/213625-the-fourth-caravan/ I am also certain we can figurer out a non-magical hating high elf if you prefered.
  6. As an old school water evocationist, I have been malding that voidal water could become part of this world simply through the act of 'soaking' things. Thank you for the amendment which I dearly hope gets accepted as to not break the concept of Voidal Anchors. :)
  7. In order to make sure his name would be forwarded to all Malauriran, Seth Calith would forward a letter to Earendur ( @ZBLBAC5 ). Knowing the deed was done, he would continue with his daily work as he said to himself quietly. "Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya."
  8. The old elf Seth was sharpening the blades for the Sillumir, for his powerful magics needed no blades to assist him in this long awaited conflict with the kinslayers.
  9. Essentially a 2.0 version of what we had in anthos! Great! I love it!
  10. Seth nodded in approvel regarding most of the newspaper, pausing at the end. "They need to improve.. It's not back from the dead."
  11. An ancient elf went home, having read the missive. His life so much easier since the Silver State, of the High Elven people, joined the Horde. He still had to get used to the idea of orcs roaming the streets en masse at times. But they did indeed seem good hearted.
  12. An ancient elf shrugged as he read it over in the tavern of Haelun'or. "They spelt that wrong.." He glanced over the missive. "They seemingly doesn't have the druids- Malinor had druids. But I guess it's hard to have druids when you go about murdering those who disagree with you.. Oh, and look." He grinned. "The Bandit Princess became officialy became a puppet." He would chuckle. "Which of course, in the words of the kinslayer, don't wish to be a princess, because she obviously likes traditions!" He laughed, the web of lies too amusing for the old elf which remembered the fall of the Land of Elves. "Let us see what Dad Land will do now that they supposedly have their goal. Kill all paladins?"
  13. Seth nodded slowly in approvel, having recently taken up an apprentice himself to spread water evocation.
  14. Seth smiled, satisfied with his work as he had finished with setting up his project. He recalls the struggles as it was quite literally yesterday. He had been zoned out, focusing so much at his work he just defensively called back to cer'Elarhil when asked about something, maybe it was how far they had come? "Combining catagories!" echoed in his head. He took a step back, gazing upon the beauty, he knew he wasn't a true artist, and that was fine.
  15. Seth smiled as he prepared for the painting activity, having practiced with some charcoal to a level which he was somewhat satisfied with.
  16. Seth smiled widely at this, for finaly the instruments of self-harm was removed. "It took quite a while." He said to himself, looking at the poster.
  17. The old elf Seth Calith sat in his home, a small notebook upon his brow as he muttered to himself. "Being a host is quite the task, but I aim to do it proper." He then continued on to hammer out the last details.
  18. After having awoken, completly unaware of the events which transpired in the night frowned deeply upon spotting the letter. "No he didn't." He grunted in annoyance as he picked up the letter. The old elf sighed deeply as his gaze traveled over the text. "You are a fool." He marched into his room to store the letter to confront Valazaer in a year.
  19. THE BALLOT ((MC Name: RealSamler )) Name: Seth Calith Vote 1: cer'Elarhil Sullas Vote 2: cer'Elarhil Sullas
  20. Well, the city would had been owned, if we lost we would had done the settlement thing.
  21. "I still wonder why they didn't participate, at least last time she ran away shortly after her late arrivel when she was supposed to debate Braxus, but then again. She didn't understand the meaning by it." Said the old elf Seth Calith, having witnessed the Bandit Princess run faster than the Bronze Elves ever had shown possible to him.
  22. ((Minecraft Name: RealSamler)) Name: Seth Calith Age: 770 Vote 1: Alaion Miravaris Vote 2: Alaion Miravaris
  23. The old elf Seth chuckled as he read it right after reading 'To Reveal The Will of Larihei'. "So they lie about killing innocent, watched by oem Malaurir, they plead their case based on lies to Malaurir, invite them with promised protection, and attacks almost causing the death of oem Malaurir and now, when the result they didn't wish for came from the people, they still seemingly claim to be legitimized in their eyes based on the first line, they now too reject this." The old elf laughed. "And now they continue on with their lies regarding Braxus."
  24. "So clearly both sides should approve of this." Seth nodded slowly as he read the missive. "As the kinslayers asked elMalauriran to chose elMaheral. Surely they are not suprised someone who knows of the traditions and teachings of Larihei was chosen over a fennite or kinslayer.
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