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Everything posted by Samler

  1. The only things I can think of is "Hae" - her and "Lye" <-- Might be wrong) - Him.
  2. Many of the things that this magic can do is already things you can do currently to my knowledge. Creating ice and using it for stuff: Ice evo. Creating cold air: Air Evo. The hiding ability: Illusion. So in short, this is basicly. I see this as some kind of mix of all 3 + shade magic about the Diamond thingy. For my taste, not quite original enough.
  3. *Notes there is no more tiers due to new magic rules?*
  4. Evarir'ito Ceru is my guess. Might be 3 words instead.
  5. I get so sad when I see there is over 170 people on the server but everytime I log on, I crash. :/

  6. Ohh well, this crashes has given me the key to get any modreq answered by mods in a flash!.. If they are online, the secret is mine to hold!

  7. Is there something wrong with the server? No one is online and I can't log in.

    1. onm224


      the same for me

    2. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Me neither, idunno.

  8. A few comments comming from me. I do like the idea of elementals first of but why would a water 'thondor' not be able to cool itself down to ice? It seems only natural to me just as water evocation includes ice. Secondly, I suggest that these creatures becomes ET toys to play with considering few people (I assume) want to RP a large elemental thingy which rarely travels outside of it's zone. Also, I am not too sure what you mean with this. (funny thing each of these names in Elvish have some correlation to their enviromental subtype) As one which is okey at elven I saw at first that it did not seem quite LoTC elven like, which I checked. If you wish I could make actual elven names? Lastly, please descripe each elemental a bit more!
  9. No. The old ancestors did not belive in such words! Use Kinair! The word for Monster or something a like but I say nõ to an elven word for edgy!
  10. Is it just me or did the server crash?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samler


      Good. Scared that I left that poor guy alone in the bakery, not knowing my secret yet!

    3. AgentSunny


      kinky secret i bet

    4. Samler


      Not really, but it would be about the baker!

  11. The guy which just died in Malinor by an Enderman to the face, could you PM me to get your stuff back?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bircalin
    3. Cyndikate



    4. Lym


      Lesson learned, do not try and fight an Enderman with leather armor only

  12. A little bit of feed back to the antag after this event, since I don't feel it's big enough for a post.. Please make it a bit more "friend-foe" visable. Got killed by someone and I thought untill PMs after that he was a non-RP-killer, taking advantage of the event. So this is my 5 cent.

    1. Neri
    2. 5678


      Thing is, we had some undercover elements during the battle.

    3. Cyndikate


      I don't want to be meta'd

  13. I might have killed a BNL, is the safe free from crahses forever now? -puppy eyes-

    1. Aislin


      You killed BrandNewLiri?

    2. Samler


      In some kind of event, yes. With many other guys. Not sure who got the last hit since he suddenly putted on God Moad and wrote emotes of him dieing.

  14. Curious, I have been told 3 high elves or so did fight, after the orcs had left 7 was online. I hope the Malinorian elves had fun in that event and did what ever they wished to. +1 to you guys.

  15. #ShiftNative4GM2013

    1. Samler


      Why not? :O

    2. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      #ShiftNative4Admin2013 *

  16. At some point you really should add in Void so people can look at it here instead of secretly knowing it. :3
  17. Sold for 750, the prices of Iron might be high yet the prices of golems is low. What is happening to the Anthosian trade?!

  18. There should be a guide to elven names in the guide section made by the elven creator himself.
  19. So.. Trouble logging in on the server, I crashed and now then I log in I get to this place. http://imgur.com/IyX624d,ul9jzAu,sXmk1Ke,ExTr0b8

  20. Just got my first forum avatar the same day I got accepted for learning magic. This is going to be a good day. :3

  21. Name: Seth Calith ((MC Name)): samler Age: Above 300, I hardly guess details is needed. Magic Forms Known: Only the very basic of the arcane ways aswell how evocation works. How do you claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral: Other than the clear large amount of time I have been citizen in Haelun'or and now in Lin'evaral aswell and my physical traits, I deem nothing is needed to be proven as logic proves itself. How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral? Since the start. Is one associated with any other guilds? Not at all. Will you follow maehr'sae hiylun'ehya to the letter in pursuit of arcane knowledge? Of course I will. What magical knowledge do you wish to acquire, if any? The path of water evocation, Ev assured me he was soon ready to teach.
  22. My stalker now also stalks you, does that mean I can stay as your stalker victim and you my stalker? Please~

  23. Malinor has the best contests ever! Golem vs Golem, staring match!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dromui


      I have my minas on SirSmithers

    3. Baconthief


      I go for smithers

    4. Samler


      Amipher won! Smithers started to patrol which is all Khel's foult! <3 Now give me my minas~

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