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Everything posted by Samler

  1. Seth Calith can't help but comment at the notice board. "In the olden Haelun'or, we had no Sohaer."
  2. Well my olden character Seth Calith has his fair share of stories to tell, most of them hardly secrets including 'The Night of four drakes' back in 2012~ Then the flegdeling state of Haelun'or were still discovering the legacy of Larihei (the first high elf.)
  3. ((I haven't noticed any with the books being in the vault and I am not a librarian!))
  4. Seth Calith, an old high elf noticed the title of the play. "Huh, valah make these now?" He aquired a copy and went home to read it, a grimace quickly formed at act I, which turned to a scowl at the end of act VI. He would bring it around the Eternal Library of Haelun'or, known these days as San'evarir and showed it to ( @KronugiN @thiccpazuzu @Stumpye ) Khaeryr, Maenor and Aiera with the comments. "A play written by valah, fiction based on history apparently, yet this seems in the character of the king and tyrant. Mixing blood in the name of love." Seth sighed in frustation of the reminder of the terrible Malin.
  5. @KronugiN Seth having come down the stairs of the San'evarir, just as Khaeryr had finished the sentence. "Khaeryr, have you started to speaking to yourself?" He asked as he notice the elf being alone. The younger elf would then proceed to show Seth the missive, noting the author which Seth quietly read and pondered for a moment. "Seems like we have made small waves, maybe- Also, don't worry. Not unhealthy to talking to oneself." He elf sighed as he put down the missive on the reception desk. "I wonder if we can have oem Okarir'tir which follows the obvious laws this time?" Khaeryr quietly grumbled something illegible over Seth's comments.
  6. THE BALLOT ((MC name: Samler)) Name: Seth Calith Vote for Okarir'nor: Okarir'hiylun? ( ) Maeve Elibar'acal (xx) Aestenia Aevaris
  7. Please tell me how to get Tough Hide so I can level the server up to the bronze age before we need a new obscure leather type to unlock a new metal.
  8. And work is done! Simply, citizenry isn't payed with mina, it is simply the duty of everyone to contribute, the mina is kinda making us a bit more like long eared humans.
  9. So now high elves makes a complet 180 on "Mina doesn't matter" to "Magical sky-gods demands mina or so our nation is forced to rot no matter our actions. So mina or boot, blessed citizenry."
  10. Seth read the statement, squinted. "Is. . . That oem valah faith because that doesn't seem as The Monks." Seth contemplated, unaware of it being a Chi monk. ((Stay safe Vic!))
  11. Time to find a new sleeping medicin for my character.

  12. I don’t feel like it fits to our current setting.
  13. Just what I need to perfect my roleplay life! Always felt lacking, knowing water were never accepted before but now I can RP drinking water! Maybe even take baths!
  14. As a water evocationist, I approve of this man’s writing! +1
  15. So supposedly, one of the spells (memory restoration) breaks the rules of the server (§3.11 When you die, you do not remember how you died, or the events leading up to your death. ) then used as it’s being told it can be used? And can supposedly keep a spell active indefinit since T3 with unlimited range? Irks me tbh, should have some sort of (long) range at least, maybe around shouting distance at most in my oppinion. As a final note, memory removel seemingly states memories are yeeted into the void and can only return with another mental mage pulling it from the void back, which seems very much unlike how every other magic to my knowledge interracts with the void (something pulled from there wants to return). Maybe simply make the target uncounciously supressing said memory instead at least? Makes me a lot less irked about it.
  16. What is up with the server lag?


    1. Shalashask


      Where do you think you are?

    2. Samler


      Lord of the Lag. :)


  17. Some randome PvP training on my golem, why da hell not. :)
  18. Username: Samler Group: High elves. By applying, you agree on you were elected through a fair system?: Yes, Viceroy held an election in the Skype chat by the means of a google something.
  19. In that case you didn't read it, the community is the oppisite of Skavens where females is just 'breeding tools'. So from this point of view, only in the looks as these is more like a rat-men version of mori/spiders.
  20. So now then you go into a new thread, you start at the latest post instead of the one on top or in case of old post, the one you just read?

  21. You should be able to use Ctr + F to find any word.
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