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Status Updates posted by Fitermon

  1. http://gyazo.com/30392e302ed115f5aead96b48f870679 Ramza has a secret underground operation for Salendys and Arelin, it seems.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Taylor


      Good job Fiter, you've infiltrated the enemy base.

    3. monkeypoacher


      u can get banned for that!!!

    4. Pandasan


      I think I'm in love.

  2. Shameless advertising. Do it.

  3. @Tahmas pls resgin ur b@d

    1. Fitermon


      Ok resign now

    2. ShameJax


      damnit youre never resigning then

    3. Fitermon
  4. *Gathers glorious nippon steel for katanas.*

  5. If anyone wants to get me an alt account there is a 14.78 dollar steam game with your name on it.

  6. Cahir and Arche as they ordered the

    Arbiters and Vigil respectively to deal with one another.


    1. meg


      my arbiters are the best, nobody questions my arbiters
      now the vigil, let me tell you, the vigil whew, they are, just, you say the vigil, and everyone understands immediately, wow, the vigil!

    2. KetchenX


      Cahir is the crossbow; I am the bolt.

    3. GDPR 014

      GDPR 014

      Cahir is the crossbow; I am the bolt. I am one with Cahir.

  7. Cahir is the crossbow; I am the bolt.

  8. Daily Wiki Trivia:

    The Average Wood Elf Looks Like This!


  9. Hungry? Thirsty? Come to McBurnsy's! Now in Holm!



  10. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

  11. So thanks to the stock market I was able to buy 7 shares of stock in Ford, and pay for my bubble gum (ran out today) for 15 cents. With a bit left over for next weeks stocks.  I might not be earning much but I've got enough money for gum for a week, I swear!

    1. bickando


      my god thank god for the stock market fluctuations


      dont know what i'd do without it...  ya mashallah i am fasting too my friend the stock market helped me pay for my new exotic monkey collection

  12. So we can't have Bible quotes as usernames, but we were fine with a guy named An*lJockey? Gotcha.


    1. Merkaken
    2. Areon


      Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?

  14. "Okay, I have seven hundred saved up for new parts for my computer... Aaaaaand its gone."

  15. *Shoots himself* "We couldn't get to five!"

  16. *Shoots himself* "We couldn't get to five!"

  17. *Sneaks into the group, pretending he was there* "Victory!"

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