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Status Replies posted by Heff

  1. *Read stuff I posted three years ago*


  2. Are you irrelevant yet?

  3. hunwald got a warn for supporting trump... smh!

    1. Heff


      Sanders is a ******* socialist btfo Space

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  4. ghetto fight compilations are my new drug

  5. Mr. Glorious Anawkin and I are making a family of herbalists/alchemists. If anyone is interested, poke me :)

    1. Heff


      Anawkin 'race traitor'. Remember vydra. 

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hickery Dickery dot

    The Elf fell off the cot

    And over and under and around he fell

    But he couldn’t break free from his rolling spell

    So he rolled and he rolled for four days and four nights

    And came upon a Human, who was fighting some wights

    He tumbled into the Man, and hit an awful tree

    And the Human stood up and said, “I’ll plough your mother, see!”

    So the Elf hurried up and ran for the trees

    But the Human was quick, too fast for him to flee

    He ran and he ran but the Human caught up

    And cut him down brutally, and just in time for sup!

    The Elf lay dead – or dying – in the grass

    While the Human smiled wide and said, “Kiss my ploughin ass!”

  7. Question. Why did Lord of The Craft decide to go PvP heavy and not stick with rp fights?

  8. Question. Why did Lord of The Craft decide to go PvP heavy and not stick with rp fights?

  9. Good fight, Raevir.

  10. anime is the true White nationalist's preferred form of entertainment

  11. let me make it clear that when i pvp you, if we are friends, I'm not unfriending u ur just getting pkd

  12. kodeine_kosak

  13. kodeine_kosak

  14. kodeine_kosak

  15.  for my american friends

  16. i got broads in atlanta

  17. Logs in, gets arrested for visiting his own racial town, gets left in a cell with no RP or options.


    Welcome back?

  18. Any OG's out there tonight?

  19. Any OG's out there tonight?

  20. I really think after like 12 bans for community misconduct, people really should just be permabanned..

  21. Anyone looking to buy a Sharpness enchant book?

  22. Oren smells different...

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