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Status Replies posted by Heff

  1. Bugger your mom Raevir speech is Goden talk yo.

  2. trappin is my life tbh

  3. We should really make it clear that this is not a Lord of the Rings RP server. I

  4. Congrats to all the new ET members!

  5. These new forums are pretty hot.

  6. Are there any RP groups open to Publius? I'm not to proud to work as a toilet scrubber at this point tbh

  7. Lore Team preparing for full gay, currently passing at 1/5 capacity.

  8. RIP Mark Birch



  9. missin on u cutie ;) (blush)

  10. missin on u cutie ;) (blush)

    1. Heff


      wiseacres i thought u and dili were a thing.,,, please dont cheat :_:-

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  11. 8 FT carts at Felsen (Not including Docks). No wonder I can't find RP!! What human place is the most populated?

  12. 8 FT carts at Felsen (Not including Docks). No wonder I can't find RP!! What human place is the most populated?

  13. Anyone wanna play some Civ? Me, Aengoth, Supremacy, maybe Patato, need two or three more.

  14. bernie hype is real in /boby/

  15. Dont accept that Oxygen lore please. It

  16. 'no it works for welvedom we are always active with 7-9 people'





  17. Take note: excluding a race from your capital city is bad for the production of roleplay.

    1. Heff


      Take note: Creating your own religion and lore just so you can become a special, importance in this long-developed world is bad for the production of roleplay.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  18. I know this sounds crazy, but I think that the next map should be about the same size as Asulon. A massive map that sort of spreads out each of the races. While I know this has become widely unpopular as of late, I'd personally like to point out that overall, Asulon was the best map. I enjoyed Aegis, the spontaneous sort of things that happened all the time, but in the way of roleplay, Asulon was by far the best. The vast, open world provided for a lot of opportunities for random events, cool ruins and builds to explore, areas for small towns to pop up via the old charter system, and overall I just think the atmosphere was better. This is just my opinion, please don't crucify me for it.ย 

  19. I got enemies, got a lot of enemies, got a lot of people tryin to drain me of my energy

  20. Every other city is getting slapped by winter but here in Boston it's still 37ย degrees and rainy.ย 

  21. Is anyone else tired of the constant Oren vs. Dwarf propaganda when all it serves to do is just circlejerk one side or the other

  22. All of my persona's skill levels were set to promising? Bug maybe?

  23. Whatever happened to the Gambinos, one day they ruled felsen, the next.... They just went missing

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