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Status Replies posted by Pinsir99

  1. Why are people trying to make Holm a thing again? We have enough nations, and speaking from experience with the nation. It needs to stay dead.

  2. Why are people trying to make Holm a thing again? We have enough nations, and speaking from experience with the nation. It needs to stay dead.

  3. Panda got several real life art commissions from people who saw her most recent work with the goddess of night and the horizon riding a wolf! Big commissions like this will earn Panda 10000$ atleast if done right. Panda can finally start going to college!

  4. are halflings able to learn magic?

  5. Livestream lotc lets play? maybe if I get it working

  6. Where is a fast travel to Gallmore?

  7. Fingers crossed Gemmy gets an interview for this job and then proceed to get the job!!!

  8. I was wondering what I should do if I want perms for uninhabited land, that my character just wants to add plants and etc. to?

  9. Why do I keep getting ads for this guy?

  10. A massive explosion rips through the Gallmore Arcane tower as Reinhardt makes his escape from his arcane cell. "May you burn in the Nether Gallmore! For burn you shall!"

  11. I hope that those who held ardent video game hate for the White Rose make an apology thread, from the looks of it, they sure are kicking their own asses and wondering 'Why did I hate my fellow multiplayer participant?!'. Life always surprises me with the crockpot of shyte that simmers...

  12. In other news I'm Arceus. Fear me.

  13. My status was deleted by the fun police :

  14. My status was deleted by the fun police :

  15. http://image.naldzgraphics.net/2012/07/3-Bulbasaur.jpg Just saying, Bulbasaur is a pretty swell companion in pokemon.
  16. Resist fellow LotC players! Resist the scourge of pokemon forum pictures! Take back individuality! None shall make me change into a pokemon!!!!

  17. An hour and half until I am officially one year older! :D

  18. Bow under the Arbok overlord.

  19. Lenfarthing is always empty when I come >.

  20. Jess Lowedge is officially engaged to Desmond Geminine. They make the cutest and most perfect couple ever. They beat Romeo/Juliet, Edward/Bella, and Katniss/Peeta, all put together. WOOT! :P

  21. I am deeply concerned that Twitter will be lighting up over the naval invasion...

  22. I have decided to come back. For the reason of the time I've been gone being one month in fly years.

  23. Panda's play she is preforming tomorrow; A play about birds building a city in the clouds in ancient greek times, taking down greek gods, and rapping about it. Hilarity, ho?

  24. Bullshit. It's one thing to inspire good RP, it's a completely different one to demolish the RP of others with enchanted weapons and armor. I'm not typically one to complain like this, but I'm steamed.

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